"Relax Quinn, Blackwell just turned invisible," Ash winked, his voice soothing. He turned to Jade. " I've always envied this aspect of him."

Jade rolled her hazel eyes and slapped his wrist hard. "Ouch," Ash grimaced. "Can you be serious for once in your life?," she snarled.

"Jason, take the lead," Dravon instructed, still in his invisible form.

"The infinity mark define us. We're the chosen ones, Quinn, with special powers unlike humans," Jason informed her, his grey eyes skeptical.

"Dravon, I still don't think she's ready, Shade voiced out with a frown on his face." The others glared at him as if he committed a grave sin. Dravon ignored the last remark.

"By now you must have understood that we are not a normal clique. We all share a dark secret, oblivious by humans. We seven, happen to be the chosen ones with powerful powers to inverse the cursed prophecy," Dravon's voice echoed deeply in the room.

Powers...prophecy? In what mess had she got tangled?

"What are you?," she managed to ask, her voice trembled while her mind already feared the answer.

"I'm glad you asked mia bella." A bold fearless girl with intelligence and exquisite beauty — an enticing combination that excited him.

Dravon appeared in his physical form again, took a seat beside her and she turned to face him, her fear already clouded by curiosity. The others paraded in the room, ignoring them completely.

"I'm a cursed immortal Quinn, he went on. "Also known as the prince of shadows." One hand raised in the air, he gestured towards the elites standing in the far right corner of the room. "These five were meant to be by my side but you, mia cara,  happen to be the most valuable asset of my circle,"he said softly, one long finger traced a line on her fine cheekbone.

At the instant of contact, she drew a deep breath, causing his pulse to speed a notch. She reacted to every personal remark or gesture, each touch.

She stared at him, not understanding, not liking the change of subject. "I don't know what you're talking about. And what has it got to do with me?," her tone a pitch higher.

A slight annoyance pricked him. He was unaccustomed to arguments but continued patiently. "You inherited the fierce blood of your mother — the magical blood of the Campbell witches." He stared beyond her and she knew he wasn't with her anymore.

"The blood of the Campbell witches," she echoed. He watched her beautiful face slowly turn gray. "This means...I'm a witch," she whispered.

He nodded his arrogant head.

"The Campbell witches were known to be the most powerful coven in their era. They used dark magic to reign over others. They were fearless and bold, just like you," his attention once again on her. "But they defiled the rules and their craving for power grew. They wanted everything. Other races were not happy with their intrusion and mysteriously they began to disappear. Others lived away from civilization in the forest."

 She blinked and then her eyes widened again and she blushed, a rosy pink filling her cheeks. "Your visions and nightmares are all connected to them." 

Dravon studied her in silence a moment, then beckoned the others to join them, leaving her alone on the couch. Quinn just sat there, every inch of her body numb with that shocking revelation. Deep down she knew every word he said was true. She simply believed in him. All the evidences were right there — Laura Richards mysterious death, Kade's grave, grand-aunt and dad's hatred for her and all these incidents in Blue Haven. Maybe those witches killed her mom when she took her away from her witch mother. But all at once, it was too much to bear.

The Infinity Coven Trilogy_A Dark Temptation (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now