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Chapter 33

Kysons POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Avery and her head rested on my chest. She looked so cute sleeping. I slowly got up and kissed her on the cheek before I headed downstairs.

I never really looked around Avery's house before but my curiosity was on a high level right now.

I saw a picture on the coffee table in the living room.
It was a picture of Avery and her dad. They looked like the happiest people in the world.

I've seen her smile like that. I never want to take that smile away. In the picture Avery had Blonde wavy hair and still looked as pale as she is now. Her dad was holding her on his lap in a rocking chair.

He smiled down at her like she was the most precious thing to him in the world, and that was true. She is the most precious thing in the world, Especially to me. I sat the picture back down and got up.

I was really thirsty. I turned into the kitchen and reached for a glass to fill it up with water. I sipped on the cold glass. "Do you know what time it is?" The voice scared me and I chocked on my water and turned to see Mrs. Jones standing in the door way.

I looked from her to the clock. It was 2 in the morning.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice. I just needed a drink of water." I sat the glass down in the sink and headed back upstairs to Avery's room. I only made it up about two steps before her mom stopped me.

"Kyson can I talk to you?" she looked worried so I nodded my head and we both went and sat in the living room. "So you and Avery are obviously pretty serious. Am I right?" she asked me.

"Yeah we are. I love Avery very much. I don't know what I'd do with out her. I thank you for raising such a wonderful, beautiful daughter." I saw a smile crack on her face.

"Why thank you but, I don't want her getting hurt. You're her first boyfriend and apparently her first everything. If you decide to hurt her, since her fathers not here I have no choice but to take his role. I will hurt you. I may look weak but just like Avery, I'm stronger than I look. Got it?" she said glaring at me.

"Yes ma'am. I should probably get back to bed. Thank you again for letting me stay." I smiled and turned to go up the stairs.

"You're welcome Kyson." she said as she went back to her room. I was Avery's first time for everything? So her first kiss, first make out, first time. Wow. She must really like me to have me be the first for everything.

I got to Averys room the door was closed I wiggled the handle to open the door. The door was locked.

I knocked twice "Avery?" I whisper yelled "Avery open the damn door before I break it down!" still no answer.

Ok guess I'll have to break it down. I took a few steps back and rammed into the door with my side causing the door and me to fall to the floor.

I got up and looked around her room. Avery was gone.

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now