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Chapter 19


We arrived at my house. It took us longer to get back because we weren't in such a hurry for once.

We all got out of my Mustang and shuffled our feet to the door. As soon as we got in I ran upstairs to change out of my clothes. I got in a grey v-neck T-shirt and some black sweat shorts. I had lime green Nike ankle socks on because my feet were cold.

I turned when I heard a knock on my door. "You can come in." it was Kyson.

"Feeling even a little better?" He asked making his way toward me.

"In time it will heal.. but today the pain stays.." I whispered tears forming in my eyes again.

"I think you should call you're mom and let her know." he said outing his arms around my waist hugging me from behind.

I turned to face him. "Kyson I can't we have a party tomorrow." I couldn't let him down I' sure he wanted to have the party still. Plus we already invited half of the school. "I'll call her Sunday." I told him.

He looked at me in astonishment "You still want to have the party after that? You're crazy Avery." he said giving me a glare.

"Ky it's fine. We can do it. We need to do it." I said stubbornly. "No Avery. You don't have to do it. If you think I want to have the party still your crazy." I looked up at his eyes.

His hair was in his face again. I reached up and pushed his chocolate brown hair out of his eyes.

"Avery.." he began. I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Avery.. please we don't need a party. It can wait. I can tell you don't want to have it. It's fine really it is." I had given up. He was right,

"Kyson, why is it you always are reading my mind?" I whispered leaning closer to him. "Maybe because I know you. I know you better than anyone else." he whispered as he also leaned in. Our lips met and it was like I was in heaven.

I couldn't feel anything my whole body went numb. I wanted him and only him. I love him.

I love how he can turn from Mr. Bad Boy to the sweetest most caring person I've ever met in my entire life.

His tongue traced my lower lip asking for entrance. I hesitated, to tease him and I could feel him grin he lightly bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to explore my mouth. Our tongues were once again dancing together.

He pushed me back onto my bed he was now leaning over me our lips still in contact. I clutched his shirt, his hands moved down to my shorts. I reached down for his belt and began to undo it.

Now both of our pants where off. My bed that was once nicely made was now messed up from me and Ky.

I was sort of scared to do it while Elkie and Crew were here.. They could walk in on us like last time.

I guess he sensed this "We can stop?" he said looking down at me. "We can do this when we don't have people over" he said smirking. His eyes were so beautiful and dreamy. I could get lost in them.

I couldn't say anything I just nodded and we put back on our pants and headed down stairs.

"Took you long enough" Crew said as we got to the living room "Getting a lil' frisky were we?" He said wiggling his eye brows up and down scanning me and Kyson.

"Don't be crazy me and Avery? No." he said sarcastically. "Luckily I know how to take sarcasm or you'd be dead." I said punching him softly in the arm.

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now