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Chapter 23

The next morning I decided to pack some of my stuff and visit an old friend of mine to help me find Kyson. Yesterday I tried calling Kyson after Crew left but he didn't answer. I left a note at my house do anyone who tried to find me.

It was a good hour before I arrived at my friends house. I turned my car off and slowly walked to the front door. I took a deep breath before knocking twice.

"Avery?" a tall brown headed man looked at me in shock. "Hey Zack!" I said while hugging him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked pulling me inside and closing the door. "Well I need your help to find someone for me. His names Kyson Hulet." Just saying his name made me crazy. I missed him so much. "Ok?" he said hesitantly walking over to his computer.

Zack had always been a really good friend. His dad knew my dad before he passed away. It brought us to be really close friends.

Basically like brother and sister. He was a pretty handsome lad. He had shaggy brown hair and piercing green eyes. His smile was very contagious.

I never understood why he had no girlfriend? We had tried to date once but it was too awkward so we just stayed friends.

"Aveeeee I found him!" he said giddily like a young child. "Where?! Where is he!" I shouted trying to hide the overloaded excitement generating through my body. "He is in Grandale. About 3 hours away from here." He said happily If only he knew I was risking my life to save the one I loved. I'm pretty sure Crew found out and would be telling his buddies so they can try and stop me. They cant and they won't.

"Thanks bud. This is great. I better get going then." I hugged him and headed for the front door. "Ave can I ask you why you needed me to find this Kyson dude?" he said looking a little scared for me.

"Long story short he broke up with me to try and 'save me' and risk him being killed and I'm going to find him and make things right. and it may involve me getting hurt.." I mumbled the last part under my breath.

"Just be safe alright?" I nodded my head and went out to my car. It crossed my mind that this could be the last time that I see Zack. It could've been the last time I would speak to him. It could've been the last time I talked to my mom or Elkie, or even Crew. I am missing a funeral of my best friend to save my stupid, badass boyfriend. He is stupid for doing this thinking I wouldn't do anything and just sit on my ass and eat batshit.

I say badass with lots of love because he is a dreamy, incredible, and hot. My Bad Boy. Kyson Hulet. The love of my life.

Lets hope this ends to me and Mr. Bad Boy coming out both alive.


Hey guys!(: please vote and comment if you are liking my book and maybe give me some advice on what you guys would like to see later on I the story. It would mean a lot to me! (: Hope you're enjoying it!

Sorry this was such a short chapter! :/

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