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Chapter 37

I am so confused right now? I guess they lied. He really was not dead at all. Maybe, they just didn't want to worry me.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you didn't get away from me so easily." Bentley said smiling down at me. "I-I-I thought you w-were dead." I said softly.

He chuckled before shutting the door ad sitting down infront of me. "Oh Avery, I had a bullet proof vest on.
I knew once Crew and Elkie showed up I wouldn't be able to take on all of you by myself." So he admitted he is weak?

I scoffed "You are pathetic. Bentley, we used to be best friends until I found Ky, now you've changed because you're jealous of me and Kyson. I'm sorry I didn't like you that way? Is that what you want me to say?" I asked him.

He looked like he was about to explode.

"Avery, I can have you live. or I can have you die. Be wise with what you say." he said as he got up to leave the room.

"Wait, Bentley. The same goes for you. You just admitted to me that you are weak. I'd watch your back." he raised his eyebrow and laughed closing the door behind him.

He is such an asshole. I don't normally swear this much but, Jesus Christ what the hell was wrong with Bentley? He thinks he can win me from Kyson by pulling all of these stunts? Oh, Hell-to-the-no! Not in a million years.

I waited about 10 minutes but it seemed like forever before pulling my phone back out. I called Ky back.

"Babe, it's Bentley. Him and his father, Joe, want your money? Ky how much is it? I can help, please." I spat out before thinking.

Do I have that kind if money?

"Avery we know where you are. We're coming to get you ok? Stay safe and keep texting us if they move you or anything that you think would be important for us to know. I love you Ave. I'll see you soon." He then ended the call before I could tell him that I loved him too.

Butterfly's formed in my stomach at the thought of them coming to save me. Even though I don't know who them is?

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now