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Chapter 36

Avery's POV

My head was pounding and my vision was blurry. I tried to move but My foot was chained to the ground. I looked around and saw no one. I was alone in a cold, dark room. All I remember was falling asleep with Kyson at my house. Now I'm here? Where the hell was Kyson?

I heard the footsteps near my door and three men walked in. Two of them looked like they were Kysons age.

"W-who are you?" I asked trying not to sound weak. The older one laughed. "It's a shame we never met. I'm Bentleys father. My name is Joe." I didn't know Bentleys dad was alive?

"Well Joe, I really need to go home. I bet my moms worried sick." why was I hear?

"I'm almost positive your mother is just fine." he said coldly. "Um yeah, no I need to go home." I said raising my voice.

"Well Mrs. Jones you are going to be staying hear until your little boyfriend brings me the money he owes me." he said slamming the door behind him leaving the two younger boys behind.

"I'm Kyle and this is Brad." the blonde one said gesturing to him and his dirty blonde friend.

"I'm Avery. Do you guys think you can let me out?" I said trying to get the chain off of my ankle. It was no use it wouldn't budge. The two boys just exchanged glances and then left the room leaving me by myself.

That was easier then I thought. I needed them to leave so that I could use my phone. I pulled it out and called Kyson.

Luckily he picked up immediately. "Kyson, I need your help!" I whispered "I'm in what looks like an old hotel room with nothing in it. The windows are covered so I can't see outside."

I heard Kyson panicking. "Baby! Can you hear anything, anything at all?" he asked me.

"Hold in a second." I pulled the phone away from my ear and listened. There were the sound if waves and birds! "I can hear waves and birds!" I whisper yelled. "Avery have you spoke-" I heard footsteps "Someone's coming I have to go." I put my phone in my bra cause it might be noticeable in my pant pocket.

The door opened. Wait what?

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now