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Chapter 38

I couldn't wait to see Bentleys face when he see's Kyson and everyone else who is coming to save me. Does he not know when to quit or something? He seriously needs to get out of my life. Creep.

I heard footsteps coming and I only hoped they were Kysons. Of course they weren't. Because standing in the doorway was Brad.

"You have to come with me. Boss has requested to see you." He said grabbing my arm to pull me up. He unlocked my feet from the chains and led me down the hallway.

Luckily I wasn't in shock so I could be aware of my surroundings, like there was a door that said 'Caldon Hotel' That would explain the room then.

"Could you move any slower cupcake?" Brad said lightly shoving me to move faster. Brad seemed cool until he called me cupcake and shoved me. You do not shove Avery. I turned around and shoved him back. He flew back and hit another guy in the nose with the back of his head.

"I wouldn't shove me. Ever. Got it?" I said and turned back around and kept walking.

You probably think I'm crazy because I didn't try to run away. Well, there were a lot of gaurds. A lot.

"The door on the left" Brad pointed to the door I was suppose to go in. Who is the boss Bentley or Joe? Who ever it is, I am definitely not happy to see them.

I knocked on the door before opening it and entering the room. "Um, Brad said you.. wanted me?" I said softly.

"Yes I did didn't I?" Joe turned around and gave me a crooked smile. Bentley looks like his father that's for sure. "What did you need me for then?" I asked annoyed. I stomped over to the only other seat available and sat in it.

"Don't be so grumpy child. I just wanted to get you out of that filthy room." he began "Plus I didn't want you Bentley did but, I persuaded him to let me talk to you. He had other things in mind." he sounded kind of scary when he said Bentley had other plans.

"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of things?" I sheepishly asked.

He stared at me for a minute "Things that should never happen. Things I will absolutely not let happen." He said his eyes were sad. Why did he feel bad for me if he was the one who kidnapped me? Someone's bipolar.

"Da-" Bentley came through the door and looked at me with anger. "I thought I was the only one to talk to Avery?" he looked at his father then to me. "Son, we were just having a quick chat. Nothing big, So calm down." Joe stated which seemed to only make Bentley even more mad.

"Bentley, it's fine he hasn't done anything wrong." I didn't want Bentley to think I was scared of him. He basically told me he is weak. If I really wanted to I could take him down.

"No one asked you Avery. Dad I need a word with you. Avery get back to your room, no wondering off." he said and pointed for me to leave out the door.

As soon as I got into the hallway I noticed that there was only Brad. "Hey.. Avery, I'm sorry I shoved you." he held his hand out in front of me "friends?" he asked and I grabbed his hand to shake it. "Friends" I said with a big smile on my face.

Brad and me walked to my room "You can come in and we can hang out or something?" I asked him. He seemed really cool. As soon as we got into the room his face turned scared and serious "Avery I heard Bentley and the things he wants to do. We need to get you out if here so just follow my lead alright?" I was shocked. Brad was helping me..

He opened the door and I followed him. "Ok" I said. We walked down a different hallway to an elevator. This is going to be easy. The doors opened and four guards were in it. "Brad, what are you doing with.. her?" the brown headed one questioned.

I just stood behind Brad and waited for him to talk. "I'm just letting Avery get some fresh air. Bentley already knows and he allowed me to take her so excuse us please." he said and we both entered the elevator as the guards left. They both shook there heads and They actually believed us? Wow.

We were on the 6th floor and Brad let me press the button to get down to the 1st floor. I was eager to get out of here.

The elevator doors opened on floor two and I saw someone I would never expect to see.

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now