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Chapter 13

"She is so complicated which is why I like her but.." a voice said "but what dude? she doesn't like you?" another voice asked. "I din think so" The familiar voice spoke again. I fell asleep in detention for what seemed like an hour but really, it was only 10 minutes. I got up and I looked back at Kyson and Crew who were talking to each other.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty." Kyson said with a fake smile plastered to his face. "Mr. Bad Boy's being nice now is he?" I asked with a smirk. "Yes. I forgive you now." he said. "Diesnt mean I forgive you." I snapped. I was so rude. what was wrong with me?

"What kitty's got claws" Crew said. "Yeah sharp ones." I said sarcastically. "Last time sarcasm was takin the wrong way. I guess I should be serious now" I said looking over to Kyson. "So that's why your still mad? I thought it was because of me coming into your room." he said annoyed. Crews eyes grew big. "Wait.. are you two like.. dating or something." He said turning to Kyson.

"Well.. not exactly." Kyson said looking to me for help. What did he mean not exactly we weren't dating at all. "What do you mean? We aren't dating at all." I said abruptly to Crew and Kyson both.

Kysons face grew sad. He looked at me and his eyes looked sad. Like he was going to cry. He got up and left the room. "Ky.. were are you go-" he cut me off "Bathroom.." he said sadly and quietly.

He knew how to make my emotions fell like a tsunami! I hated him for that. Always confusing me on what he wanted me to feel for him. I turned to Crew. "So I heard part of your conversation." I said looking him square in the face. "Oh you did, did you?" he said sheepishly "So you heard that he likes you huh?" he said pointing to the door. I'm guessing he is Kyson. "He does?" I asked a little too excitedly. "and I just stomped on his heart.." I sad my eyes turning down to my feet. I am a horrible person. What did I just do to the poor boy.

"Yeah and if I were you. I'd be running after that boy right now." he must have read my mind. I got up and ran out the door frantically searching for Kyson any where. I really messed up.

I went to the gym to ask Mr. Hayco if he had seen Kyson. "He just went into the locker room I'll run and get him for ya." coach said walking to the locker room.

Did I really need to tell him now.. here. Couldn't we leave and go some place better like.. I don't know my house?

Coach walked out the door with something in his hand. "He says this is for you." I took the note and ran into the bathroom before opening it.

I am so sorry for what I said. I guess your feelings weren't the same as mine. I'll be getting my stuff from your house and leaving back to my own so you don't have to deal with me Anymore. It will take sometime to get over you... I really liked you Avery. You could say I loved you. You can't love someone who hates you. Goodbye.


My breathing became heavy. My heart stopped. Why would be do this. I have to get to my house before him I have to!

I raced down the balls into the parking lot getting my keys out and ready to start my car. I drove to my house hoping and praying that he wouldn't leave me!

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now