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Chapter 2

I walked into my first class. English. Not my best subject. My teacher was Mrs. Winiger. She was old and I don't think she likes me because I always fall asleep in her class.

"Good morning class" Mrs. Winiger said to us. The door slammed open and in walked Kyson Hulet. He was the schools Bad Boy. He had long brown hair and amazingly blue eyes. He was a pretty Bad boy you could say. He was wearing a blue shirt with a black leather jacket, jeans and some black vans.

I was surprised he showed up today. Usually he skips school. All the girls loved him. All except for me. I personally thought that he was annoying. Kyson walked in and scanned the room for a seat. So lucky for me.. The only seat empty was next to me. He sat down next to me.

"You're names Avery right?" He asked staring at me. "Y-yes" I said. Wow good going Avery why are you stuttering? I asked myself. "Sorry Princess do I make ya nervous?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. "No" I lied. He was sitting uncomfortably close to me now. "Are you sure I'm not too close" he asked his leg now touching mine. "Y-yes I'm positive" I lied again. "You're funny you know that? I can tell your lying." He stated. "Am not" I protested.

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not!"

I realized I had just yelled that for all the class to hear. "Is something wrong Avery?" Mrs. Winiger asked me. "N-no ma'am" I stuttered. "Then you and Mr. Hulet better stop flirting and pay attention to my lesson" my face began to feel warm. I was beginning to blush. "Aww Jones is blushing" Kyson whispered to me. He was so annoying! the teacher already hated me as it was and he is just making it worse.

I couldn't wait for the English to be over. I turned my head away from Kyson and folded my arms across my stomach. I stared out the window. I wondered why Kyson would even be talking to a girl like me. Don't I make it obvious that I did not like him at all. That he was annoying as heck?

The bell rang and I quickly got up and started for my next class. Someone grabbed my wrist. I turned and ran into something hard. "Ouch" I said rubbing my face. It was Kyson. What did he want now? "Avery, you seem mad at me" he said staring into my eyes. "Kinda yeah" I said and turned to walk away. He grabbed my wrist again and I just stared at him blankly. "what?" I asked. He didn't look very happy with my attitude. "why do you hate me so much?" he asked. "maybe because all you do is flirt with girls and get me in trouble" I said rudely and turned around.

"Oh come on Avery I only flirt with cute girls" he said I just kept walking hoping he wouldn't follow me. I was wrong he kept following me. I finally turned to him "are you a stalker now or what?" I said to him. He looked at me weirdly. "Actually no, I would never stalk you Jones. We have the same class again."

I mentally slapped myself in the face. I just accused him of being a stalker when really we have the next class together and I was not happy about this. "so now you decide to come to school why?" I asked.

He hesitated then spoke "Well, I guess I felt like coming to school today to see the fabulous Avery Jones" my face heated up again and I was shocked at what I just heard Kyson Hulet say to me. "You know you're cute when You blush" he said making me blush even more now. He was so strange. one minute he would act like he hated me the next he would be making me blush. why can't he just pick one?

We walked into Mr Hendersons class. Math was a good class because he didn't give us a lot of work so we had a lot of free time. I sat down praying Kyson wouldn't come sit by me. Again he came and sat by me. "Don't you have other friends" I said coldly. "No princess your my only friend here." he said making me blush again. I hated having such light skin that made it so everyone knew when I was blushing.

"Wow, I sure do make you blush a lot don't I Princess?" he asked me with a huge smile on his face. he was enjoying this wasn't he. "Don't call me Princess" I stated.

He got quiet after that. Thank heavens. Mr. Henderson handed us our assignment me and Kyson were done quick wow who knew the bad boy was smart. he actually got his work done for once. "Yeah I did" he said. wow I'm and idiot did I really just say that out loud? "Yeah you did" he told me.

I just sat there in my seat feeling embarrassed that I had actually said that out loud. "So Avery?" Kyson asked me. He seemed serious for once. "I heard you were going to the party this Friday." Wow words sure do spread fast. I looked up at him

"Yeah.. why?" I asked stupidly. "Because I'm going to be there too" he said now I was regretting that I said I'd go. "and if you get bored.. you can come chill with me" he said. I was shocked did Kyson, Mr. Bad Boy just ask me to hang out with him at the party. wait a minute why was I so happy about that. I don't like him.

I guess we could be.. friends. "Oh.. y-yeah that would be great" I said sarcastically looking at him. He looked at me with a pouting face "Aww does Princess not like Mr. Bad Boy?" he asked using air quotations around the word Mr. Bad Boy. I waited for a minute before answering him "N-no it's just that I don't think you really want to hang out with me. I'm a nerd. A no one and you, heck you're Kyson Hulet!" I said his lips turned into a full smile. "Jones, you are so funny" He stared at me and my mind went blank. "Look, I only said if you get bored come find me and we can chill." he said with a gentle voice his face closer to mine. I couldn't help but look at his lips and back up to his eyes.

"O-Ok" I stuttered sounding like an idiot. He backed away and folded his arms across his chest looking pleased. I just kept staring at him. I couldn't help but look at his arms the way they were crossed made his muscles very noticeable. "Great, it's a date then" he said winking at me. My face got hot and I was blushing again.

He turned to me "Oh and Princess.. You can stop checking me out." I quickly looked away from him blushing even more. my face must look like a cherry now. I had a feeling Friday was going to be fun.

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now