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Chapter 39

"Mom?" I questioned. She pulled me into a hug and out of the elevator. She gave Brad a death glare "Mom, its fine he was helping me escape." I told her. I looked behind her and Kyson was with her! I ran to him and jumped onto him like a kuala.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Was all I could say. I felt tears streaming down my face. Tears of happiness of course because I was seeing my boy for the first time in forever. "I love you too. We need to get out if here. My boys should be up there beating the living shit out of those guys." He let me go and started for the elevator and my mom and brad headed for the stairs.

"Wait? Ky what are you doing?" I stopped the doors from closing and stood in the middle of the doors. "Avery go with your mom. please?" he gave me puppy dog eyes. "No. I'm going with you. My mom will be safe with Brad. Right?" I turned to Brad and he shook his head in approval. "Babe, no you can't You've already been hurt enough. Please Ave stay with your mom!" He pushed me and I was too shocked this time to see the doors close. Oh no he didn't?

"I'm going after him, you guys go." I pointed for them to leave. "She's gonna have her way Brad, so lets go." Brad and my mom left down the hallway and I knew they'd be safe. I pushed the elevator button over and over again, and it wouldn't come down. I think I may have broken it.


I began to clime the huge steps back to we're I knew Kyson was. I knew he would be the one to hurt Bentley. I wonder who 'his boys' were.

I finally reached the floor and peeked through a crack in the door before swinging it open. I saw Boys. Sweaty boys. Fighting boys and blood every where. This needs to stop. I whistled extremely loud for everyone to hear.

"Stop it all of you! All of this is ridiculous and stupid!" They all looked at me funny and continued beating on each other I saw Crew punching some guy and another one was about to shoot him.

I booked it and rammed into the guy who was about to shoot Crew. Crew tuned around wide eyed and shocked. I aced his life. "Thanks Ave!" I smiled at him. "Help me find Ky!" I yelled to him he nodded his head and followed me. We went to the room where I had been staying in. No one was there. I lead me and Crew to where I had talked to Joe earlier. Thats where I last had seen Bentley.

I took in a deep breath before going into the room. Joe was unconscious in the floor and Ky was hanging over Bentley punching him in the face. I went over to Joe. He was kind to me earlier I can't just not care for him.

Bentley got on top of Kyson and started punching him making his nose bleed. Me and Crew were both in shock. "BENTLEY STOP IT!" I yelled and his head turned toward me.

"Perfect, you can watch me kill him" Bentley pulled out a gun and held it to Kysons head. Kysons face turned to stone. He was scared. I could tell. He mouthed 'I love you' to me and thats when I started crying and so did Crew. "Bentley, I'll do what ever you want just please, put the gun down!" I shouted and gave Crew a worried look who also had a worried expression washed over his face.

Wait! Bentley hadn't noticed Crew yet. I looked to Crew and as if he could read my mind. He kicked the gun out from Bentleys hand and tackled him off of Kyson. I ran to Kyson and hugged him and put his head in my lap. Thats the second time Bentleys hurt my pour baby. I carefully got up and made sure I didn't hurt Ky while doing so. I glared at Bentley and picked up the gun.

"Hey Bentley." He cocked his head toward me and I noticed his face turn from angry to scared. "A-Avery come on you won't kill your best friend will you?" he was right I couldn't. I can't possibly kill another person. He got up and ran towards me. Not again! I picked up the gun and pointed in front of me and shot. Bentley dropped straight to the ground and I checked to make sure he didn't have a bullet proof vest on this time.

Sure enough, he did and he knocked the gun out if my hand and got on too of me. He pulled out a cloth and held it over my mouth. I didn't breath in or out, I held my breath until Crew kicked Bentleys fat ass off of me. I couldn't move I just stared and watched. Ky had the gun now. He aimed it and Bentley and shot him. He fell to the ground and this time. He was dead. Kyson had shot him in the head.

"Stupid Bastard." Ky said getting up and coming over to me. I just stared into space while Kyson picked me up bridal style and walked me out of the room. I looked around and I didn't recognize anyone. "The cops will be here soon, doesn't look like any if our guys are hurt, lets get out of here." Crew said and Kyson, while holding me started to quicken his walking.

We were now out if the building and headed to the cars. I saw Elkie and she started crying and ran to me. "Oh my god! Avery are you ok?" She asked her eyes full of tears.

I looked up at her. "I'm perfectly fine now." I smiled at her then looked up at Kyson. "You know, you can put me down I can walk." He just chuckled an kissed my forehead. "I like it this way, I feel like no one can take you from me. I love you so much Avery." he leaned in and I closed the gap between our lips. It had seemed like forever since we'd last kissed.

"Ok, ok! There is a mom here and young teenagers here as well! Keep it PG. Scratch that keep it freakin G!" my mom yelled. Everyone just laughed at her.

Kyson put me in the passenger seat of his car. My mom was riding with some of the other boys who I still didn't know? She drove if course. Elkie and Crew were in the Car behind us.

I was so grateful no one was hurt at all. More then half if the boys left before I could even thank then. Kyson told me he'd let then know I was thankful.

Finally we were safe and Joe and Bentley were officially gone! Finally!

Kyson looked at me with list filled red when we got out of the car. "Take a picture it lasts longer." I smiled and he just chuckled at my little joke. "How about we go inside huh?" he grabs my hand and we head to my house. My mom was home now and went straight to bed.

Me and Kyson went to my bedroom and turned on Criminal Minds. He was out before the episode officially started and I just snuggled closer to him and let sleep take over me.

Avery and Mr. Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now