They sprinted over to him, circling round the back of the sofa and grabbing Lust's neck, pulling a knife out and pointing it threateningly at it.

"LUST!" Horror cried, stepping closer.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The stranger growled, drawing the knife closer to Lust's neck.

Horror growled and stepped backwards, so he was level with me and Dust once more.

They seemed male judging by the voice, but I couldn't tell because they had a furry hood covering most of their face.

Lust let out a whimper at his action. Squirming against their grip.

"Who are you?" Horror called.

"Well wouldn't you like to know..." They hissed.

"Chill dude, we don't want any trouble." I reasoned, holding my hands out in a peaceful gesture.

"Sure, tell that to your weird tentacle friend that tried to spear me right through the head!"

We stayed silent, not sure what to do about this new arrival that still had Lust in a rather threatening position.

Fortunately someone had that covered.

We all stared confused as the knife wielding stranger let out a yelp followed by a hiss of pain.

All became clear when Error limped out of the shadows, his strings stretching out of his fingertips and wrapping themselves tightly round the stranger.

"Now that's not a nice way to greet new friends, is it?" Error said darkly.

The stranger glared back at him, the strings tightened round him, pinning his arms to his sides. Error walked over to him. "You really need to learn how to play nice." He whispered dangerously.

The stranger only growled in response. Error grinned, his strings suspending the struggling person in the air for a moment before he swung him round, chucking him across the room.

He hit the wall with a crunch, his body crumpling at the impact, small whimpers escaping its collapsed form.

Horror instantly rushed over to Lust, pulling him into a hug, frantically whispering to him.

Nightmare rushed down the stairs, closely followed by Cross, he walked over to the stranger, picking him up by the hood of his coat and brung his face up to his, studding it.

He growled and dropped the stranger back down on the floor, he looked scornfully down at him, a frown on his face.

"Who is it?" I asked, running alongside Dust over to Nightmare. "Never seen him before in my life." He spat, still glaring at his unconscious body.

"What're we gonna do with it?" Dust asked, nudging the strangers body with his foot. Nightmare looked thoughtful for a moment, before turning to Cross.

"Bring a chair for our...guest will you?" He purred. Cross nodded and ran off into another room. I glanced at Nightmare questioningly and he only smirked in response, an idea clearly going through his head.

Nightmare dragged the stranger to their feet with a tentacle and waited, Cross came back with a dusty wooden chair, which he placed next to Nightmare.

He plopped the stranger down on the seat, glancing at Error, the strings wrapped round him and the chair, creating a makeshift restrainment chair.

Nightmare stepped back smirking, "Now we just wait for our guest to wake up." He said, making himself comfortable on one of the sofas.

Cross walked after him, like an obedient puppy, sitting on the other side of the sofa, curling up staring blankly at the 'guest' we currently had tied up.

I glanced at them as well. They wore a large thick black hoodie with yellowish fluff around the rim of the hood, they had a red shirt under that and wore a pair of black shorts and some trainers.

He looked like a pretty normal guy, but why was he hiding in Nightmares 'house'?

I walked over to a shelf and pulled out a book at random, 'Matilda' I shrugged, haven't got anything better to do.

I walked over to a single-seat sofa, the book loosely in my grip, the sofa was extremely comfortable and I had no trouble snuggling down in it, opening the book to the first page.

I had been reading for an hour, the book was decent I guess, that head headteacher sounded dead, I wouldn't want her teaching me.

But then again that honey teacher sounded so sickly that the thought of being in her class everyday made me gag. (Calm down mate XD)

I looked up from the the book, it had grown dark, and everyone was asleep, except me.

Horror and Lust were snuggled up together, looks of pure contentment on their faces.

Error and Dust were on their own separate sofas and somehow Cross had shifted from one side of the sofa to the other side, cuddling up to Nightmare who seemed to be deeply sleeping, not noticing the small fluffy skeleton curled up next to him.

Our stowaway was still asleep, Errors strings tieing him firmly to the chair.

I sighed folding the top corner of the page I was on and placed it on the small coffee table to my right.

I leaned back in the chair and shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Who could the stowaway possibly be?
I wonder 😝
Thanks for 3k!
Luv yall

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang