Chapter 8

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Ok, so it's been a pretty long time since I've written. I've been so busy with school and finals and catching up with stuff that I haven't had much time to even think about it. So, here I am, pulling another chapter out of my hat. This is gonna be a short one, cause I'm so out of ideas, but here we go! xx

Point Me In The Right Direction- Chapter 8

Niall's POV

I finally calmed down from being pushed to the floor by a cranky Zayn. I can admit, I am sort of a baby sometimes, but I was just trying to be comforting. I didn't think there was a reason for him to shove me on the floor and all.

I was sitting snuggled up to Liam, and Lou was back in Harry's room, seeing him before he went into surgery for his bones and to check on everything else that may be wrong with him. I had nothing to do really, and I didn't want to sleep, even though Liam told me I should, so I pulled out my phone and flipped through my contacts. Zayn. I knew he was probably still mad at me, but I decided to try and call him anyway. If I knew Zayn as well as everyone thought, I knew exactly where he had gone. Moments later, he picked up the phone. I could hear the sound of needles, and some screeching coming from someone else. He was at a tattoo place. Zayn always got tattoos when he was extremely mad or upset.

"Hello?!" Zayn screamed into the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear so that maybe I could hear him at a normal decible.

"Zayn?! It's Niall! I wanted to apologize for bothering you earlier! Will you come back to the hospital?!"

"Uh yea, I guess. I just gotta get this thing on my arm finished. I'll be over. You're forgiven." And with that, he hung up the phone. I did text him though to make sure he sent me a pic of his new tattoo. About three minutes later, I was sent a picture of Zayn's arm, covered in a massive microphone with the cord attached to it, and a thing that looks like and explosion of something under it. Out of all the things I've seen, that had to be the most outrageous thing that Zayn has ever gotten a tatto of. I'm really suprised that management even lets him to these things to himself.

Staring at the photo, I slowly felt myself falling asleep. I closed my eyes, snuggled up closer to Liam, and just decided to wait everything out and see what happened later.


Louis' POV

I never thought that I'd be on the other side of the waiting room, waiting for the one I loved to come out of surgery for multiple problems. For some reason, I feel like this is all my fault. If I hadn't said those things to Harry, he never would have ran away, and I never would have had to go and apologize to him, we never would have been driving, and never would have gotten into an accident. Pulling me out of my thoghts was a doctor who stepped in front of me while I was walking.

"Are you Mr. Tomlinson?" He asked. I nodded back, awaiting whatever he was going to tell me.

"Your significant other has just gotten out surgery, and he asked to speak with you as soon as possible." The doctor said no more, and led me to Harry's room. As he opened the door, I could see Hazza laying there. So many different cords attached to him, so many beeping machines. He looked a mess.

"Hey love," I said to him, walking closer to his bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"Never better, now that you're here." He managed to smile, using just about every ounce of strength he had. I took his hand in mine, and sqeezed it tightly. He smiled more, and I leaned down to press a slight kiss on his lips. His eyes were so droopy, I could tell he needed sleep. Not wanting to leave him though, I grabbed a chair, sat next to him, and leaned my head on the edge of his bed. We stayed like that, holding hands and smiling. I never left his side. I stayed, and waited for him to wake up.

Point Me In The Right Direction-A Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now