Chapter 7

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Sooo I'm starting this while sitting in the hospital cause I don't have anything better to do but yea. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I've just been so busy and so hesitant to post it cause I just feel like its terrible. I'm changing the plot of the story a little cause I just keep writing nonsense and I don't want people to look forward to something that is not happening. This chapter is gonna be more of Zayn and his feelings because I feel like I don't write much about him and he's sort of left out so I'm gonna try and incorporate him more. I'm so glad you all are enjoying it, so keep reading!! xx

Chapter 7

Zayn's POV

I know I'm deemed ad the mysterious one, but I actually have a lot to say. I just like to keep things to myself so I don't get caught up in all the crazy drama. Things don't get to me that much either, but when they do, you definitely can tell.

I'm driving along the highway, trying to get all of this, 'Liam likes Louis, Louis and Harry are making a mess of the band' stuff out of the way. Stopping at a red light, I pull a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, along with a lighter, and light one up. Taking a nice long puff, I exhale slowly and deeply, opening the window slightly to tap off the ashes. Inhaling again, I thought of how good it was to be all alone. Sure, I loved the lads and all, but sometimes just being alone felt good.


Someone was calling me, Niall no doubt. He was always the one to look after me. I had completely forgotten to tell anyone where I had gone, and along with Harry gone, and no one knowing where Louis had wondered off to, I'm sure I was causing panic between Liam and Niall. I picked up the phone just before he hung up.

"Yeah bud," I spoke into the phone, "What's up?"

"Zayn, where the hell are you?! Everyone is gone but Liam, and I'm actually sort of scared because Liam isn't talking to me and it seems as if something is wrong with him and I don't like to be alone and I just want someone else here who will actually talk and-"

"Woah kid, calm down." I interrupted. "I'm sure Liam is fine, and I just went for a drive. I needed to clear my head, you know I do that sometimes."

"Well...yea, but you usually tell someone when you're going somewhere!"

"I'm sorry..I'll make sure I tell you next time. I promise" I took another long puff of the cigarette I was holding, waiting for a break in Niall's constant talking.

"Are you...smoking? While driving?? Oh and you're also on the phone?! Zayn, you could get hurt! You need to be careful, Zayn..-"

I didn't get to hear the rest of his banter because, since I wasn't paying any attention, I had veered into the wrong lane and slammed head-on into someone else. My phone and my cigarette went flying, and of course, so did I. My head hit against the steering wheel, giving me a massive headache instantly. On instinct, I got out of the car and went over to see who was in the other car. And what I saw was the worst thing I could ever imagine...Louis and Harry..

I called out to someone to call an ambulance, but they had already beat me to it. I opened the door and pulled Harry out, laying him across the ground. I couldn't believe what I had just done. Thankfully, Louis was unharmed besides a few cuts and bruises, but Harry had gotten the most damage. He looked like he was in so much pain, groaning and moaning about how much it hurt. I had no words for what had just happened. I don't know why I had to be cursed with something this serious, or why it had to happen now, but I hated it.

Once the ambulance was setting Harry into the back of the car, they took everyone's information, and I called Niall back to tell him what had just happened.

"Omg...I'll be at the hospital soon."


Sitting in the waiting room, waiting for news on Harry, was almost as bad as waiting to hear about Louis the last time we were all here. But what nakes it worse is that Harry is in worse condition. I decided to isolate myself in the corner of the waiting room, away from the rest of the boys. I couldn't bare to look at any of them, and they probably didn't want anything to do with me. Sighing, I twisted in my chair, facing the wall more than I already was.

"Zayn..?" Niall said quietly. I ignored him. I feel so ashamed of what I did. Talking on the phone, smoking, driving, not paying attention..I didn't wanna hurt anyone else, so I stayed quiet.

"Zayn, please talk to me.." he said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

Turning slightly, I grabbed Niall's arm and yanked it away harshly, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed. Why didn't anyone realize that I didn't wanna talk to them? I looked over and saw that he was crying on the floor, curled up in a ball. Sure, I felt bad for making him cry, but I just wanted to be left alone. No one understood, and why would they wanna talk to me anyway? I did such a terrible thing, and no one should even forgive me. Not to mention that I don't ever wanna drive again. Or even use a phone. Or smoke again. Yea, I think this accident is gonna cause me to stop smoking. And I never thought anything would, but just thinking about smoking brings the whole incident back into my head.

I could tell someone saw me cringe in my seat, cause they sighed, and began to talk. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't even tell who was talking to me.

"Zayn, I'm sute Harry will be ok. It was an accident. You know that. Everyone knows that. Just breathe, everything will be ok."

I didn't wanna believe it though, but I didn't have the time to ponder it, as the doctor came out to tell us about Harry's condition.

"Well boys," he started, "Harry has a few broken bones in his left leg, a couple broken ribs, some head trauma, and some internal bleeding which is being taken care of now."

"When will we be able to see him?" Louis asked, with hopefullness in his tone.

"In a few hours." the doctor stated. "They're just finishing him up, and getting him ready so they can fix his broken bones."

The boys nodded, and the doctor weng back.

My god, all that stuff Harry had to go through, and it was all because of me. He's not gonna want to talk to me. I feel terrible, I don't know how many ways I can even say that, but I am.

Without a word, I got up and left the hospital. I don't know where I'm going, but I just can't stay here.

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