My Gay New Friend

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A/N Guys i know that this has been a long wait, i'm sorry. i know this story sucks, i'm sorry. But this chapter is more of a filler chapter because i have an idea but i cant really jump into it right now. So, here it is! Oh yeah, and check out the video in the side bar! Lauren showed it to me a couple weeks ago and its hilarious!!!!


I saved Dylan’s number in my phone and skipped out of hair and makeup. Damn, was I happy. I MADE A NEW FRIEND! AND HE WAS FABULOUS! Oh, wait until Niall heard this. Speaking of my little Irishman, where was he? Without thinking, I started looking around and crashed into a hard body.

Harry’s POV

            I saw Elise’s brunette head bobbing up and down before she skipped into me. She started to fall from the impact but I grasped her arm and caught her before she could fall.

            “Oh, hey Haz!” She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling.

            “Someone’s a bit happy.” I smirked at her. It came out more as a statement than a question, but nonetheless, her smile got bigger and she started jumping up and down.


            “Excuse me?” I laughed.

            “I.” she pointed to herself. “Made a new friend, who is somewhere…” she started looking around for her ‘fabulous’ new friend. “Oh well, he probably left.” She shrugged. I saw my chance.

            “He?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

            “Yeah, Dylan. The hair do-er person.” I chuckled and shook my head at her.

            “How will Niall react to Dylan?”

            “Harry that man is as straight as your hair.” She placed her hands on her hips and bit her lip, probably trying to hold in laughter. I didn’t know what to say to that.

            “Wow, well… uhm…” I scratched the back of my head and Elise started laughing.

            “You Brits are so judgmental.” She shook her head at me and started walking away.

            “Well I was just shocked that an openly gay man was successful in England, that’s all.” I defended.

            “Sure…” she said sarcastically. “So anyways, you wanna help me with something?”

            “Sure.” I shrugged.

            “LET THE LEPRICHAUN HUNT COMMENCE!” She shouted and put her fist in the air. I laughed at how ridiculous this girl was before she started pulling me down the hall. After around ten minutes of not finding anyone, she stopped in her tracks and began stroking her imaginary beard.

            “Okay, so where does he normally go after a concert?” She asked me.

            “Normally to the dressing room or food table.” We shared a look and ran down to the food table, where we found Niall stacking random food items on a plate that looked like it couldn’t hold much.

            “Found him!” she elbowed me in the side.

            “Yeah with my help.” I scoffed. Niall locked eyes with Elise and the goofiest grin spread across his face. His eyes twinkled with happiness and he stood there staring at her. Poor lad’s got it bad.

            “NIALL!” Elise yelled and flung herself in his arms.

            “Oh lord.” I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. Elise pulled back from Niall and stood next to him, only coming up to his shoulder. She stuck her tounge out at me and Niall wrapped an arm around her waist.

            “You’re just jealous that your girlfriend’s not here.” She said in a playful tone before turning back to Niall. Gosh, they acted like they hadn’t seen each other in months, let alone a few hours. Then it hit me. Why am I not with my gorgeous, talented, amazing girlfriend? I walked to the girls’ dressing room with my hands shoved in my pockets. I stood in the doorframe watching Lauren stare intently at the computer screen, her eyebrows furrowed and her lower lip was being chewed on like there was no tomorrow.

            “Having troubles?” I asked. She jumped about a foot in the air before looking at me and placing a hand on her chest.

            “Dang Haz, you scared the life out of me!”

            “Sorry, love.” I smiled at her. I couldn’t help it, the girl gave me butterflies. Whenever I looked at her I felt like smiling as goofily as Niall, or be as romantic as Liam. Seeing her happy made me happy and when she was upset, I wanted to do everything in my power to make her happy again.

            “So what goes on?” She asked. She patted the spot next to her on the couch, and I almost ran over to sit by her.

            “Not much, you know, just finished a concert and all.” I said with the signature smirk on my face. I put my arm around her shoulders and felt a jolt of electricity run throughout my body at our touch.

            “Oh yeah. Sorry, the excitement of performing left around an hour ago.”

            “You didn’t enjoy it?” I asked, shocked at how bored she sounded.

            “I did, just not as much as I thought I would.” She shrugged before getting up and walking over to the mini-fridge. I looked at the computer and saw that she was on Twitter.

            @spelledwith6rs shouldn’t have left my Twitter unguarded from @Harry_Styles ;) xx

            When she came back I sat back like nothing was different. Oh gosh, I am such a bad actor. She took one look at me then looked back at the computer and rolled her eyes.

            “You know, I would expect Elise or Louis to do that, not you.” She leaned back on my chest, sending another round of sparks cascading through my body.

            “But you love me anyways.” I smiled down at her.

            “I do.” She smiled back at me. Then I realized something. I have got it bad.

Elise’s POV

            I stood at the food table with Niall, my mouth watering at the sight of the lovely dishes prepared for the boys. What do I try first? The beauty of the table was almost overwhelming. Wow, I seriously need some sleep if I’m thinking that food is overwhelming.

            “Oh, Niall, guess what!” I tore my eyes away from the food and saw him looking at me, as if he was thinking really hard about something.

            “What?” he still had that thinking face on.

            “I made a new friend today! But he has some serious flash in his photo. Isn’t it awesome?!” he looked seriously confused.

            “Wait, what?”

            “I.” I pointed to myself. “Made a friend. Who is very gay.” I said with a proud tone in my voice. Niall started laughing and I stuck my tongue out at him. “Aren’t you proud of my social skills?” I joked.

            “Sorry. And I am very proud of you.” He smiled and took my hand in his before pulling me to the parking lot. We got in the car and drove back to the apartment complex.

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