The bestest fan

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A/N the picture is of my real life friend lauren (who the charater Lauren Tate is based off of) hope you guys like the story! sorry for the bad chapter tho :( VFC!

Soon, we started to have a completely different problem. Right when the guys were helping my up from where I was laying, my mom pulled up in her black Camry. She did not look too happy.

     "Elise, can I talk to you in private?" she said while patting the passenger seat of her car. The boys went inside and I sat in the car.

     "Why are One Direction at our house?"

     "Well when I was leaving the baseball game, I tripped in the parking lot and ran into the blonde one. One thing led to another, and I ended up inviting them over for lunch!" I lied

     "Do I even want to know about your leg?" She asked.

     "Do you want to be bothered by a long and boring story that makes me look like an airhead?"

     "Not really."

     "One more thing, they are in town for their break, and I really don't want them staying at a crappy hotel where they could be easily mobbed by fans. Could they possibly stay here?" I asked, already knowing the answer would be no.

     "How long are they in town for?"

     "Month and a half"

     After my mom stared off in the distance for a minute, she finally said yes! EEEEKK! This was going to be so much fun!

Niall's POV

     "Do you guys have a place to stay yet?" Elise asked while she walked through the door.

     "No, why?" Liam asked her.

     "Well, me and my mom found a great place for you guys to crash while y'all are in town!"

     "Yeah?" I asked excitedly, "Where is it?"

     "Well," she said while turning her back to us, "you just go up those steps, take a right into the guest room, and you're there!"

            We each looked at each other then, deciding if this was a good idea or not. But, seriously, we have only known this girl for a few hours. But on the other hand, we already treated each other as best friends. I flashed each of the lads a smile, and we all surrounded her in a bear hug.

Elise’s POV

            “Alright, as long as you are staying at Casa de Elise, there will be a few rules.” I said as we were walking up the steps. I could hear the boys groan behind me and silently laughed to myself. We arrived at the top of the steps. I told them which room was mine, and what two rooms that they would be staying in.

            “Rule one, when my door is closed, knock. Rule two, if you sleep in barely any clothes, cover up when you wake up and start roaming around. No one wants to see the junk in your trunk.” That earned me a few laughs and a very red Harry. “Rule three, my mom works in the basement, so please try to be a little quiet while she is down there, ok?” They all nodded and we got everyone’s things situated within an hour.

            “Oh, crap!” I said while looking at the clock. The boys all turned to me with wide eyes. “Sorry, but it’s already 10:45 and I have to wake up early tomorrow morning! Thanks for staying, and please be quiet. Night!” I side while giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. I walked into my room, closed the door, turned off my lights and went to sleep.

For the BetterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ