Concert time!!!!!

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A/N sorry, i was busy with soccer and school since i last uploaded! i saw this picture on google, and i was like "JUDFOHALWEKIHGA;'POSUDF89HAER;IHFEWSL!!!" so yeahhhh... anyways! hope you like the chapter! i will try and upload as soon as i can!


“Sup?” Elise asks when we walk into the room. It’s really freaky to see these boys so quiet, especially Louis. I looked over at Harry, who met my gaze then quickly looked away.

            “Silent treatment?” I ask. No reply. I walk up to Harry, who finally looked at me again, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I planted a quick kiss on his nose before asking, “Now what happened that made you not want to talk to us?” I looked into his eyes and could tell that he was about to crack. Just one more thing, and I knew he would give in. I gave him a soft peck on the lips, and could feel him smile through the kiss. I pulled back and raised an eyebrow at him.

            “We saw your interview.” Harry said, with a sad tone in his voice. He finally found someone who could beat him at his own game!

            “Harry, you twit!” Louis yelled, “We weren’t supposed to talk to them!”

            “What did we do, exactly?” Alexa asked while taking Louis’ hand. Louis just sat there and pouted. Typical.

Elise’s POV

            I walked over to Niall and wrapped my arms around his waist. “What did we do?” I asked while giving him the puppy dog face. He just sighed and rolled his eyes before putting his arm around me.

            “Why didn’t you tell us about the interview?” He asked.

            “We didn’t want you to feel like you had to wake up early or come ’cause we knew that you would be tired after rehearsals.” I said while shrugging. I leaned into his chest when Harry asked me a very surprising question.

            “Why didn’t you tell us that you were a performer?”

            “Because I’m not.” I replied, “I’m the writer, the one behind the scenes. And, besides, I was just goofing around with the band. I probably sounded horrible.”

            “That’s not true at all.” Niall sighed while looking me straight in the eyes. “When I watched that video, the first thought that came to my mind was that you looked like you were born to be on stage. Now, please don’t ever talk bad about yourself anymore. No one thinks that.” I looked to the ground and felt his lips press onto the top of my head.

            “Come on!” Alexa yelled, “First concert of the tour!” We all joined in and cheered before racing each other to the cars parked outside the hotel. Alexa ended up beating all of us. We would have tied, if Niall hadn’t decided to pick me up and carry me into the elevator. When we arrived at the arena, I immediately grabbed Lauren and Alexa’s hands.

            “Wow.” Lauren gasped when she saw the stage. I nodded and decided to give them the tour that I mistakenly took a few days earlier. We walked around corridors, through several offices, and wound up backstage three hours after we arrived.

            “This place is huge.” Alexa whispered while crew members were rushing around, trying to get everything sorted out before the sound check. We skipped down the nearest hall, and ended up waiting on Alexa who had to use the restroom.

            That’s when I heard it, the sound that I recognized from so many years of it happening to me. The faint cry of a girl being bullied. I could tell that Lauren couldn’t hear it, so I told her that I would be right back and ran down the direction of the sickening noise. I turned a corner and finally found it. A small girl with curly red hair and a familiar orange t-shirt was cowering in a corner, from a significantly taller brunette who obviously did not know how to apply make up, or the appropriate age for a boob job.

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