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A/N guys i have such a bad writers block it is not even funny. but anyways, SCHOOL LETS OUT TOMORROW AND THEN I AM DONE! But let me warn you ahead of time, if i start uploading every day, then wait around a week to upload, it means that i have plans during the summer. Enjoy the terribly written and short chapter!!


I smell really, really bad. Like, I think I need a gas mask. “Did we ever sweat this much in soccer?” I asked Alexa, who looked just as disgusted with herself as I felt about me.

            “Once in that tournament where it went over a hundred and ten and we needed 2 water breaks per half.” She answered. I remember that tournament, and how I had to wring the sweat out of my jersey in my hotel room after each game.

            “At least it’s over with.” I sighed. We had to wait for the guys to do theirs, which didn’t last as long as ours did because they had ‘more experience’.

            “Yeah, and to think that guy asked me if girls sweat.” She scoffed. I laughed when I remembered about the time in Wal-Mart when a little boy came up to us and asked us if we sweat.

            “I’m sure he would love to see us now.” I joked. 

            “MY MOMMA TOLD ME TO TELL YOU TO MIND YO DAMN MOTHER FUDGING BUISNESS, BITCH! YOU 2+2 NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IT IS BITCH! YOU CROSS EYED CRYING DOWN YO BACK FAT FLAT ASS BITCH!” I got some weird looks from passing crew members when my phone decided to go off.

            “Hello?” I asked without checking the ID.

            “Babe!” Mac’s voice greeted me from the other line.

            “Won’t your girlfriend get mad about you calling me babe?” I asked dryly.

            “Okay, I can tell that you still aren’t warming up to the idea.” He said defensively.

            “I don’t think I can warm up to the idea, Mac!” I yelled into the other end. I walked away from Lauren and Alexa and started walking aimlessly throughout the arena.

            “Why not?”

            “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because she made my life a living hell, and enjoyed it too! Why did you even decide to date her? Did she bribe you? I swear, if you agreed to going out with her if she flashed you, so help me I will come down there and personally remove your man parts so fast-”

            “I don’t know why, alright!” he yelled. “I guess I just got lonely.”

            “Then you don’t have to settle, there are so many girls who would kill to fill her shoes! I know I hate her, but even she doesn’t deserve to be in a sympathy relationship.” I replied, my voice softer than when the conversation started.

            “I guess you're right. On a completely different note, what’s new with you?”

            “You won’t believe it! Lauren, Alexa, and I are opening up for the boys this Saturday night!” I squealed.

            “That’s so awesome!”

            “I know, but I just finished rehearsals and I smell worse than I do coming home from soccer.” I groaned.

            “I’m glad I’m not there now.”

            “Yeah, you should be.” I joked. “How’s your- uhm- current situation?”

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