Just a rant from Challen, please read.

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This is a rant from me that i really hope readers will pay attention to:

NIALL WANTS TO LEAVE ONE DIRECTION BECAUSE HE THINKS HE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. What sick and twisted mother fu**er had no life and decided to put this nonsence into that boy's sexy brain??????!!!???!?!?!? Zayn has reported that when Niall thinks the boys have left, he goes into the nearest restroom and cries, then comes out and dries his tears and says its nothing. According to close sources, Niall has cutting scars along one of his wrists, and has to wear a brace to keep the fans from worrying. CANT YOU HATERS SEE THAT WHAT YOU DO BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO LIFE IS HURTING THIS BOY?! WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU??!!!! i am not even entirely sure that this is true, but when i heard, i started crying. I dont even know this boy, and i can garuntee you that he has no idea i exist, and i started crying. People have told him not to compare himself to the rest of the boys, they have called him a fat f***, and have said that he still has crooked teeth and that he is still ugly. DO YOU PEOPLE LIVE TO MAKE OTHERS WANT TO DIE INSIDE?????????? YOU DONT EVEN DESERVE TO BE CALLED FANS. By some miracle, if anyone from One Direction or their management or SOMEONE close to them reads this, (i dont even care if you read the rest of the story as long as you read this rant) please tell Niall that if I ever meet him and he is still having this tough situation or another one, that I will be the friend for him that Elise is for Anna. No matter how many security men i have to fight my way through!

So, lets do something to make Niall feel better. On May 17, 2012, let's all go on as many social networking websites as we can get on and exclaim to the world why we love Niall! I know that i will do it, and i dont even have a Twitter or Tumblr ;) Thank you to all who took the time to read this!

Much Love,

Challen :)

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