Good Morning, Sunshine!

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A/N I apologise, but there is not much that happens in this chapter :( but i promise, the next one will be WAY better! Oh, and a quick announcement...

I AM WRITING A BRAND FREAKING NEW STORY! 'What is the name of this story?' You may or most likely may not have asked... Wellllll, the new story's name will be An All New Payne (A One Direction Story)           The new story should be up by either tomorrow or Thursday! Thank you to all who have put up with me so far! Please vote, fan, and comment! Enjoy...


            I woke up the next morning, not too sure if what happened last night was a dream, until I realized that I was not in the hotel room. Crap, I thought, Mac is just barely holding on. I sat up and covered my eyes from the bright light streaming in through the window. I groggily got out of bed and trudged to the door. I stopped for a second before I opened it, though. I’m not sure why, but I was a bit scared that there was someone outside, waiting for me. I took a deep breath and opened the door, instantly greeted by the delicious smell of a home cooked breakfast.

            “Morning.” I yawned when I saw Liam, who was frying up some bacon in the kitchen.

            “Feeling any better?” He asked, looking up from the frying pan and up at my face, which probably looked disgusting.

            “Can I give you an answer in an hour?” I asked, inspecting the fridge for a drink.

            “Sure.” He chuckled when I couldn’t find anything. I walked back out of the kitchen and into my bathroom. I pulled off the clothes that I slept in and hopped in the shower, letting the scalding hot water rinse my troubles away.

            I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy white towel around my soaking wet body. I managed not to slip on the bathroom tile on the way to my room, and put on some shorts and the first sweatshirt that I saw. I walked out of the room, pulling my sopping wet hair into a bun, and stepped back into the kitchen. Liam had apparently just finished cooking and was putting food onto plates.

            “That was a fast shower.” He muttered when I grabbed my plate. “Whose hoodie is that?”

            I looked down at the grey and black basket ball sweatshirt and fought back tears. It was Mac’s. I remember when I stole it from him in the eighth grade after he broke his arm and was so upset about not being able to play that he never even realized it was gone.

            I smiled at the memory encased in the sweatshirt I was wearing. “It was Mac’s.” I explained, “He was on the JV basket ball team in the eighth grade and everyone on the team got these sweatshirts. One game, he was fouled and ended up breaking his arm. He was so upset about not being able to play that I guess he just forgot that I took his sweatshirt from the bench when he was on, and he never asked for it back. I guess that I just forgot to return it.” I looked up from my plate to find Liam smiling at me. I returned the grin and dug in to the delicious mound of food in front of my face.

            “Liam,” I started. He looked up from his food and raised a bushy eyebrow, “thank you for being the older brother I’ve always wanted.” Liam smiled and pulled me into a hug.

            “Anytime, sis.” He replied, and continued stuffing his face. I chuckled and looked at the oven clock, which read 8:15 am.

            “What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked.

            “We have today off, and an interview tomorrow at 11.” He replied. Before I could soak in the awesomeness of having a free day, Lauren burst through the door, looking a mixture of tired and in pain.

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