Well, Dang.

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A/N sorry about the length, and quality, but i am sick right now and these arent the best when my head is pounding, i have a fever, and in an overall bad mood.

Reasons why i love Niall Horan:


2. He isnt an autotuned, cookie cutter popstar (along with the rest of 1D)


4. He's freaking hilarious!

5. Oh the Irishness... (faints) :P

6. There are so many more, but if i put them all, i would spend hours writing this :)


My mind started racing and I couldn’t help the smile growing larger on my already excited face. But, I was also nervous. Like, drop dead nervous. I had really never been on a serious date before. But, I knew I shouldn’t be too scared. Right? I mean, this was Louis! If anyone can make me extremely happy on the spot, it’s him.

            “I would love to.” I beamed. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before the microwave started yelling at us. He jumped from the sudden noise and got the smoking hot bag of popcorn out of the microwave. I ripped it open and poured it into an oversized bowl before sitting down on the couch and turning on Grease.

            “I LOVE THIS MOVIE!” he yelled before running and jumping on the couch next to me.

            “Well, shut up ‘cause I haven’t seen it!” I giggled. His jaw dropped and stayed that way until the movie started.

Elise’s POV

            Niall and I were cuddling on my bed, him playing on his phone and me writing down random story ideas on my computer. I felt his chest vibrate every time he chuckled at whatever he was looking at. It started to get entertaining: I would write down an idea, stop, Niall would chuckle, and then the room would be silent for around a minute before he started chuckling again.

            ‘Mac Hummel just posted a new photo on his wall!’ my Facebook notification popped up on the lower right corner of my screen. I clicked on it and felt a scowl form on my face. It was Mac, sitting on his hospital bed, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. It would have been a seriously cute picture, if Jamie’s squinted eyes and scrunched-up face didn’t ruin it. I just hope that Mac didn’t get ink poisoning from all of the orange dye that probably came off in his mouth.

            “Oh gosh. She looks like she freaking fell from the sky- face first, hitting every single branch of the Ugly Tree on the way down.” I didn’t even get a second to realize how much of a bitch I just sounded like before Niall’s laughter exploded from the room. I wondered about why it was louder than normal, until I looked at his phone and saw that he was Face Timing Zayn.

            “You… are so… mean!” Zayn managed between each fit of laughter he had. It wasn’t really that funny though…

            “Zayn, it wasn’t that funny.” I chuckled.

            “Maybe not to you, but to some of us it was!” Niall said before he kissed my cheek. My face burned red before I decided to change the subject.

            “I’m gonna go see Lauren. Wanna come, babe?” I asked. Niall shrugged and I grabbed his hand before leading him out of my room and down to Harry’s place. We walked into his room and saw them making funny faces into the computer screen.

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