Oh no...

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A/N hey i am SO SORRY that it took me forever to upload, but i have some things that i would like to tell the population of the people who are reading this:


-on friday i went to Six Flags with my grade, and (people who know me should be proud) i rode in the front car for Goliath, Batman, Superman, and the Georgia Scorcher.

-I heard that Niall was going to go brunnette, but then Simon  wouldnt let him. WELL I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YOU SIMON! THAT IS NIALL'S HAIR AND HE CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS TO DO WITH IT! sorry, that was my rant for the day :P

Ps- Elise's ringtone is an edited part of a Kevin Hart skit, which i have put in the multimedia spot (it does have some language but the really bad stuff is bleeped out)


The car pulled into a large brick building with a circular sign with red letters that spelled out Nando’s. Under the name was a cartoon chicken. Weird? Niall grabbed me by the hand and practically sprinted into the establishment, pulling me along with him. When the boys finally caught up to us, we were being escorted to a table towards the back of the resturaunt.

            “Can I start you off with anything to drink?” The bored looking waitress asked.

            We all gave her our drink orders and she walked away, seemingly unaware that One Direction and their seemingly famous girlfriends were in front of her. Thank the Lord for that! I picked up the menu, and immediately got confused. What in the world is a PERI-PERI chicken? Is that some type of foreign bird? I quickly glanced up from my menu, to find Niall impatiently waiting for the waitress to return and the rest of the boys not even bothering with the menus. When the waitress came back and everyone else was ready, I put the menu back down on the table and decided.

            “I will have the PERI-PERI Chicken with an order of large chips.” Niall requested while handing the menu to the bored waitress. When everyone else had ordered, she turned to me and tapped her pen on her order slip.

            “I won’t be having anything, thank you!” I smiled while handing over my menu. I earned several confused looks from the guys and some eyes rolled from Lauren and Alexa.

            “You have to eat something!” Niall almost yelled throughout the restaurant.

            “I will.” I responded.

            “But you didn’t order anything.” Liam stated matter-of-factly.

            “She is going to mooch off of our food because she got confused while ordering.” Lauren explained as I flashed everyone a grin.

            “I’m not sharing.” Niall pouted while crossing his arms.

            “Please?” I persisted while batting my eyelashes and giving him the puppy dog face.

            “Fine!” He gave up after a minute of me batting my lashes. I cheered and planted a kiss on his cheek before the waitress came and brought out all of our food. I gazed upon the many steaming plates and single salad placed on our table and my mouth began watering.

            “Wow.” I muttered, still looking at the food.

            “Wait until you taste it!” Niall laughed. A few seconds later, I found myself with a plate in front of me holding a little bit of everything off of the table. I stabbed my fork into a small piece of seasoned chicken, and almost lost myself in the tender goodness. After scarfing down all of my food, I waited for about half an hour for everyone else to finish. We paid the tab and left, but started heading in the opposite direction of our hotel.

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