The Long-Awaited Concert

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A/N Hey, girl, hey! Haha sorry, i just had to do that. But here is the chapter, and i hope it is to your liking! Dont forget to vote and/or comment!


“Elise! It is burning up and you will die of a heat stroke! Go change!” Lauren yelled at me while pinching the bridge of her nose. I looked down at my navy blue sweatpants and purple sweatshirt and looked back up at her.

            “Okay.” I said quietly before turning back around and going into my room and putting on a pair of Nike shorts and a blue lace tank top. I pulled my hair back out of my face and put on some flip flops before walking back out.

            “Much better. You excited?!” she grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down. I shrugged and she looked at me with a pissed off look on her face.

            “What?” I asked.

            “Since she-who-shall-not-be-named called you FIVE FREAKING DAYS AGO you have been distant and quiet and not at all you!” She yelled. “If you don’t stop now than you will not perform tonight.” My jaw dropped and my eyes almost popped out of my head. Never have I heard Lauren Tate threaten anyone. I guess I kinda pissed her off a bit.

            “Fine.” I groaned, and she started jumping up and down again. “Only because I love you.”

            “I know!” she stated matter-of-factly and grabbed my hand before we skipped out of the apartment and met everyone in the lobby. “She’s back!” she yelled dramatically before holding my hand high in the air. I laughed so hard that my stomach threatened to implode. Niall pulled me into a bone crushing hug while the others are leaving the building.

            “Good to have you back.” He whispers in my ear, making me blush and sending shivers down my spine.

            “Come on, lets go kick some ass!” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car.

            “Girls! Time to get your dresses on and your hair and make-up done!” Jeff yelled when we entered the arena. The boys were taken to their dressing rooms and we were taken to a room with six of the coolest looking people I have ever met. I sat in a really cool swivel chair while one girl with really white teeth, a cute pixie haircut, and brown eyes starts looking at my face.

            “I’m Elise!” I smiled at her.

            “Meghan!” she chirps back.

            “So, Meghan, I’m guessing you are the makeup artist?” I asked. Well, duh.

            “You guessed correctly! I would start but I have to wait for this drag queen to do your hair.” She sticks her tongue out at the person who is behind me.

            “I’m the sexiest drag queen ever and you know it!” a high pitched, yet masculine voice says from behind me. I turn my head to see a short guy, probably in his twenties, with jet black hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing black pants and a tucked in black button down with three buttons undone at the top. He has got some serious flash is his photo.

            “So Sexy Drag Queen, do you have a name or should I just call you what you truly are?” I joked, which made him and Meghan laugh really loudly.

            “I like you! My name is Dylan.” He smiled I smiled back at him and he started attacking my hair with a flat iron. After around two hours of flat ironing a strand, brushing it, spraying it with hairspray, then finger-combing it and repeating the process he started braiding the pieces that frame each side of my face back and tying a clear elastic when they met in the back. He came around to my face and clipped a white feather in my hair.

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