Pranks and Latin Yelling

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A/N so this chapter does have yelling in it, and if you couldnt tell by the title, it is in Latin. I do have translations so you dont get too confused, but i just wanted to let you know! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I am really confused and am kinda running out of ideas for this story so there wont be many chapters left. But i will try to make the best of those chapters! i promise! Enjoy!!


“Come on Lou! Where are we going?” I was basically jumping up and down in my seat at this point. I really wanted to know where we were going! I’m not that great with surprises, if you couldn’t tell.

            “We are here!” he chirped. My eyes widened and a grin found it’s way onto my face. Louis got out of the car and came over to my door and opened it, pulling me out of the car before we ran to the empty playground.

Lauren’s POV

            I skipped down to Harry’s apartment after the little, uhm, incident with Elise and Niall in the kitchen. I will never be able to unsee that. I walked into the place and sat down on Harry’s lap.

            “Can I help you?” he chuckled.

            “Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to help me pull a prank on our good friend Elise.” I smiled mischievously at him. He got a twinkle in his eye before calling Louis. He put the phone on speaker and after two rings, Lou picked up.

            “Haz! What do you want?” Oops, sounds like we interrupted something.

            “How do you feel about pranking Elise?” I asked.

            “Who are you talking to?” Alexa’s voice was barely audible through the phone.

            “Boo, put the phone on speaker.” Harry demanded.

            “Sorry, what?” Louis asked.

            “What do you feel about pranking Elise?” I asked again.

            “We’ll be back there in ten minutes!” Alexa said cheerfully before the call ended.

            “VAS HAPPENIN’?” Zayn yelled while running into the room and jumping on the couch next to us. I fell off of Harry’s lap and landed on my butt on the floor.

            “Hey, next time why don’t you be a bit louder!” I said sarcastically.

            “What’s got your knickers in a twist?” He stuck his tongue out at me.

            “I witnessed Elise and Niall almost breeding in my kitchen.” I made a gagging noise and sat in Harry’s lap again.

            “Gross.” Zayn replied. I nodded and Louis walked in with Alexa on his heels.

            “Okay, so what’s the plan?” Alexa asked. Within the next half hour, the five of us formulated the perfect prank.

Elise’s POV

            “ELISE QUICK! QUINN IS WALKING!” I heard Lauren yell from the hall. Niall and I were in the middle of watching The Hangover, but Quinn is walking! I have to see this! I hopped up off the bed and ran out of the apartment to where Lauren was waiting for me.

            “I really hope you paused it.” I said excitedly. She nodded and pulled me to my room in Liam’s place. I ran up to the TV but it was off. WHAT THE HECK I THOUGHT QUINN WAS WALKING? I heard the door close behind me and I ran up to it and turn the handle. Damn, it was locked.

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