Happy times!

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A/N okay i am so sorry that i havent uploaded in forever but i have a good reason!!! i was in Destin for a soccer tournament WHERE IT GOT FREAKING CANCELLED IN THE MIDDLE OF IT DUE TO RAIN. R A I N. Freaking unbelievable...

Anyways, im having a bit of a writers block so sorry bout the short and crappy chapter!


I was shocked, to be honest. Niall Horan, the boy I was pissed at, thought kissing me would get me to forgive him. How many sappy romance movies was that boy watching? My brain and my body were definitely not on the same page, because when I was screaming ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?’ in my head, I was kissing him back. I brought my hands to his head and started playing with his golden locks while he held my lower back and pressed us closer together, if that was even possible. Our lips moved in synch, molding perfectly together.

            “Wow.” Niall muttered when we pulled away, his breathing heavy.

            “You screwed up.” I said quietly. I looked down at our interlocked fingers and thought about how much I missed this.

            “I know, and you don’t know how awful I feel for hurting you.” I looked up into his eyes and saw that he meant it. I pulled him into a hug, leaning my head against his chest when he hugged me back. I breathed in his scent and found myself calm down.

            “So, where does this leave us?” I asked.

            “I want you back.” He muttered into my hair. I looked up at his pleading face and sighed.

            “Niall Horan, this is your last chance. But I swear, if you do something like this again, you won’t be so lucky.” I threatened. He grinned widely before grabbing my hand and planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him before he pulled me back the way he came.

            “Sweetheart, don’t ever run from us again!” Zayn yelled when they finally saw us. The boys pried me from Niall and pulled me into a huge hug.

            “Can't breathe Lou!” I choked out. The boys let go and Louis removed his arms from around my body before smiling at me. I smiled back, and before I knew it, we were in the car and on the way back home.

Lauren’s POV

            “Hey babe! Wacha doing?” I asked when I skipped into Harry’s bedroom. He was sitting on his bed and waving frantically to his computer screen before noticing that I was in there. He smiled up at me and pointed his laptop in my direction.

            “And this, people of Twitter, is my beautiful girlfriend Lauren.” He said, his sexy voice bouncing off the walls.

            “You're doing a Twitcam?” I asked. He nodded and I ran over and jumped on the bed next to him, landing unsteadily on my knees in the process.

            “You alright, love?” Harry laughed while steadying me. I nodded and smiled, and he started laughing again.

            “Do I amuse you, or something?” I asked, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

            “Your adorableness amuses me, yes.” He chuckled before kissing me on the cheek. My face burned bright red and I turned my attention to the laptop, where comments were blowing up on the screen.

            “Wow, you have a, uhm, very… extensive vocabulary! Almost worse than Elise-” I slapped my hand over my mouth when I read a very mean comment. I turned to Harry. “Can we ban people from these?”

            “No, we can't. Sorry babe.” He said while putting an arm around me. I leaned my head on his chest and stared at the computer screen.

            “What do we do for this?” I asked.

            “Just basically answer questions and hang out.” He shrugged. I pulled my iPhone from my back pocket and hit the shuffle button. Dark Days from the Hunger Games Soundtrack started playing and Harry started freaking out.

            “I still haven’t taken you to see the movie!” He said with a sad expression on his face.

            “Harry the movie left theatres around a month ago. There isn’t much you can do about it now, and besides, I’ve seen it three times.” I chuckled. His expression softened and I turned my attention back to the computer.

            @1DlovereXX You guys make such a cute couple!

            “Aww! Thank you!” I beamed.

            @theNiallinator How do you get your hair like that, Lauren?

            “I let Alexa do it.” I said truthfully. Normally I like to do other peoples, but I’m just way to lazy to do mine most of the time.

            @KMartinnneee Harry, do you own a brush?!

            “No, people have been asking me that so much, and it just gets so-” he said in fake sadness.

            “Harry look at me.” I insisted. He turned his head away. “Look at me.” I said calmly. He looked at me with a heartbroken look on his face. “Do I have anything in my teeth?” I joked while showing him my teeth. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug, right when the comments started pouring in.

Alexa’s POV

            I walked into the kitchen and searched for something to tide me over until later. My stomach kept making un-comprehendible gurgles while I stuck my head in the fridge and pantry of Zayn’s apartment.

            “Shut up stomach! I can here you!” I groaned. Just then, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and lift me high off the ground. I screamed and covered my mouth with my hand before a giant laugh spilled from my lips. I turned to see a very attractive guy with a blue and white striped shirt and some red skinny jeans. Oh yeah, that was my boyfriend.

            “Don’t scare me like that!” I playfully slapped his rock hard chest.

            “Sorry, Lexa.” He smiled while leaning back against the counter. “What are you up to?” Before I could answer, my stomach probably made the loudest and most unattractive noise a stomach has ever produced. Louis chuckled before finding a packet of popcorn and sticking it in the microwave. The smell of butter and the popping of the kernels filled the kitchen, making my mouth water and my stomach monster cheer.

            “I see your stomach agrees with me.” he laughed before wrapping his arms around my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stood there, staring into each other’s eyes. Just when I couldn’t take it anymore, Louis leaned his head down and pressed his lips onto mine. Tingles spread throughout my body and I kissed him back. We pulled apart and I smiled at him before pulling him into a hug.

            “Lexa?” he asked.

            “Yeah?” I replied.

            “Go on a date with me tonight.”

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