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  • Dedicated to Briarwood Ambassadors '98 Gold

A/N sorry its really short and SO BAD! i promise the next chapter will be better. VFC (PS i put Misery Buisness in the multimedia spot, just cuz its the song i like to listen to when im mad and when i get pumped for soccer!)

Of course. It is so typical. These boys have only been here for THREE FREAKING DAYS and already Jamie is finding a way to take them away from me. If you are thinking I’m mad right now, then you are way too late. I’ve completely passed mad. I was beyond being pissed off. I was enraged, almost to the point of a breakdown. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, clouding my vision. I could feel my face getting red and the blood pumping through my veins. I already knew that the look in my eyes alone could tell someone *WARNING: THIS PERSON MAY SPONTANIOUSLY KILL YOU AT ANY MOMENT.* I formed my free hand into a fist, clenching it so hard that I could feel my nails breaking the skin of my palms. I didn’t care. All I wanted was to find her, the little brat who took away most of the good things in my life. I dropped my phone onto the ground, and walked up the steps. When I got into my room, I slammed the door behind me so hard I could feel the floor shake, and screamed into a pillow. Unfortunately, the pillow didn’t do that great to muffle the sound. I heard a knock on my door, and I refused to answer it. By now I was pacing, my hand still clenched into a fist and the knocking getting louder with every minute.

Niall’s POV

            We all crowded around the computer when Harry pulled up pictures of Louis and Elise walking arm in arm throughout what seemed like a mall. I couldn’t help feeling a bit jealous, even though I knew they were friends.

            “Were there any paps at the mall, Louis?” I asked, my eyes still scanning the pages of pictures.

            “Not any that I could see. It looked like there were only girls there.” He replied. Harry got on Twitter, to find that a lot of people were talking about Louis and Elise’s shopping trip. I felt really bad for her, having to deal with this Jamie girl for most of her life, and now this. I got on the computer and searched ‘Jamie Walker’. Her profile picture showed a short, vaguely orange girl with bright blonde hair, making some sort of duck face into the camera.

            “That’s Jamie?” Harry said in shock. And by the sound of his voice, he did not like what he saw. Neither did I.

            “Look at her latest tweet.” Zayn said while pointing to the screen. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, still not sure of what do. The tweet said: @jjWalker Have fun with those boys, Elise >;] You’ll want all the time you’ve got.

            Just then, we heard a loud clatter and turned to see Elise walk up the stairs with her back turned to us. Her door slammed and she screamed. I ran up to try and make her feel better, but she wouldn’t open the door. I knocked, knocked again, and again. Each one harder than the last. Finally I just opened the door and walked in on her pacing, her arms crossed and one hand formed into a fist.

            “You were supposed to knock.” She muttered, not looking at me.

            “I did.” I replied and pulled her into a hug.

            “Stop.” She said while trying to push me off of her. She was tense, and I knew that the only way to get her to talk was to get her to calm down. I squeezed her tighter into my chest. The tension in her body left as she gave up and wrapped her arms around my waist. We stayed like that, not talking, just hugging until she was ready to talk. She pulled out and rubbed her eyes, which had a better look in them than they did a few minutes ago. She began walking out of the room, but I stopped her and grabbed her hand.

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