Misplaced emotions

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"(Y/n), don't drink too much or else I'll have to carry you to my room again!" Pink hair flashes in my vision.

"I'll be fine!" I scream to Natsu as I dance to the beat of the music. I let all my emotions out, closing my eyes and letting my body flow freely. I sulk as I realize it's not fun dancing alone... "Natsuuuu!" I chirp as I turn to see no one at the bar counter. "Natsu?" I look around and find myself completely alone in the guild. "Hellooo? Where did everybody go?!" I yell to see if anyone would answer my call. The music slows downs and ends abruptly as blood covers the floor. I start to panic. "Natsu! Lucy! Happy!" I squeak in terror. A laugh resonates throughout my head.

"My little flower... How beautiful your eyes glow when filled with fright."

Lucy appears before me, showing empty eyes.

"Lucy! Thank god! Something's going on..." I grip her shirt and she forcefully slaps my hand off of her. "Lucy?" A tear runs down to her chin.

"I'm.... Sorry...." She apologizes robotically.

"What?" Before I could get anymore information, she grabs a hold of my neck and slams me against the wooden wall behind me. Her strength was incredible. This wasn't Lucy.
"WHOEVER... YOU ARE.... GET OUT OF LUCY!!!!" I struggle to talk as she compresses her hand on my throat, blocking any passage for air.

"Hotaru..." She whines as a shimmer of her appears through her chocolate coloured eyes. It disappears as quickly as it appears. She laughs creepily. "You let your guard down..." Lucy and Hotaru's voice speak as one. I was petrified. Lucy pulls out a knife and plunges it into me.

I gasp as I wake up clinging to the body next to me. I whimper as I frenetically try to calm down. I take deep breaths and look to see a different man sleeping with me.

"Sting!?" I whisper so I don't wake him up. What is he doing here!? I look around and realize I'm the one that moved to a different bedroom. How did I get here!? Sting mumbles in his sleep which brings me back to reality. Ok, I need to get out of here unnoticed and unheard of. I slowly take off the blanket to see I'm still in my underwear! I quickly recover myself with the blanket and lay still next to Sting, trying to think of a plan. I turn to face him without no good idea of escaping from here. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps... I stare at his cute face and move his fluffy platinum blonde hair out of his eyes. He inhales deeply before smiling flirtatiously.

"(Y/n)..." He grabs me and pulls me into him, squeezing the life out of me. Great! I am now stuck. I try to wiggle my way out but it was no use.

"Sting!" I whisper to him which only made him tackle me even more.

"(Y/n)..." He moans happily. My face becomes white as a sheet as I feel a bump rub against my inner thighs. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK IT IS..... I slowly lift up the covers to see a tent in Sting's loose pants. I quickly close the blanket, letting out a small scream. WHAT DO I DO!? He keeps snuggling me with his entire body, I'm seriously going to lose consciousness! I skillfully get my arms free and start touching his face to wake him up.

"Sting! Wake up!" I press my chest against his, trying to make him fall off the bed. WHY IS EVERYONE SUCH A HARD SLEEPER!?

"That's it..." He kisses my neck with pleasure and leaves me a small hickey. I pull back in a hurry which made Sting wake up in a frenzy. He pins me down on the bed with the blanket still covering his lower half. His face was intensely flustered and sweaty.

"(Y/n)..!?" He reacts unexpectedly. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'd like to know that myself!"

The Dragon Of My Dreams (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now