Encounters and saviors

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We arrived at Lucy's apartment with fatigue overwhelming our bodies. She unlocked her door with her key and lets me enter first. I slowly enter the room and I stand amazed by all the details that I've never noticed before. It was perfectly organized and cutely placed.

"Like it?" She smiles.

"It's beautiful!"

"You're probably the first person who hasn't barged in my room without permission!" We giggled while taking off our shoes. I brought with me my old clothes since it's the only artifact I have from my world. Lucy asked if I had anything else when I got here but I said no. She lent me pyjama pants with a laced crop top. As we both got ready for bed, Lucy was insisting that I take the bed. But I said that I really didn't mind sleeping on the couch. We came to an understanding that we would take turns every day but Lucy was to sleep in the bed first. We said goodnight and went to our separate rooms. As soon as I hit the couch, I no longer felt tired. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't, I kept twisting and turning but their was no use.
I miss home.
I told myself this would be a great adventure but I didn't think to much on the consequences. It's been a few days already and I still haven't found a way out. I want to see mom. Has she noticed yet of my disappearance? It's clear I wasn't going to sleep tonight while I have so many doubts lurking in my mind. I got off the couch, wrapped myself with a blanket and went out the apartment heading for the rooftop. I needed some air. I needed to be alone. I walked up a dozen stairs to finally arrive at the door leading to the rooftop. The door opened with ease and I let myself get engulfed by the cold breeze of a full moon night. Watching closely, you could see the faint stars in the dark blue sky.
I walked over the edge and let my feet dangle while I sat in silence. You could see the whole town of Magnolia and if you turned your head, you could see the guild in all its glory. It was a beautiful night. I could stay like this forever. My sense of safety and confidence drained as the thought of my mom popped up. I hope she's ok. She's never been alone for so long. I sighed as I lifted my head to observe the golden moon at its fullest. As I watched the moon, a memory surged back into my brain.
A little you was playing with her toys in the main room. She was minding her own business, in her little world filled with ponies and candy. She drew a picture of her and her mom and wanted to show her art skills to her mommy. She hopped to mommy's room but hid behind the wooden door. She stood silent and confused by the view of her mommy crying on the bed. She didn't want to bother her but she also wanted to help her. She slowly opened the door and climbed on the bed.


"Yes, pumpkin?" She wiped her tears.

"Why are you crying?"

"Mommy is just a little tired is all."

"Well, maybe my drawing will make you feel better! That's you and that's me!" The little girl showed the drawing to her mom with pride. Mommy giggled and drew a yellow circle in the corner of the paper.

"Whats that, mommy?"

"It's the moon. The bright circle we see in the sky when it gets dark."

"Ooooooh." The girl whispered.

"When you feel alone or afraid, look up to the sky and tell yourself that the moon is there to help you get back home. The moon is a friend."

"Like a second mommy?"

"Yes, pumpkin, like a second mommy." Mommy said as she played with the little girl's hair.
I laughed at the thought of the memory. It was so long ago yet I remember every second of it. I still don't know why she was crying that day. But ever since that day, I've looked to the moon for guidance every time I was in a budge. Somehow things got better so there was no reason to not ask for the moon's help now and then. Although it seems crazy, it works like a charm. I gazed at the bright sphere across the landscape again until I heard a voice.

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