Something smells fishy

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The next morning, I wake up in the bed next to Scout who stared with daggers in his eyes. What's the matter with him? I hear mumbling and looked beside me to find a topless Gray sleeping with his arms wrapped around my waist. As I looked further down, he had no pants either...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I screamed like a little girl.

"What is it? Is there an enemy?! Who's attacking?!" He wakes up alarmingly.

Everyone rushes in with a quick step and watch with either terror, disappointment or utter ridicule. Gramps was first and then came Erza, Lucy, Wendy and Natsu.

"Why is everybody staring?" He rubs his eyes in fatigue.

"Oh my god... Gray's cuddling her with no clothes... IN THE BED!!!!" Wendy shouts, covering her mouth and face with embarrassment for Gray. He jumps out of bed and stares at his navy boxers with intensifying fright.


"Gray Fullbuster... How dare you take advantage of an innocent girl you've just met!" Erza glared at him with her magic energy glowing red with power. She pulls Gray's ear as punishment even though I know she could do much worse.

"OW!" He shouts in pain but doesn't struggle, afraid of what would happen if he did. I started laughing like a maniac, unable to control it. Ezra's protective and full of spirit as usual. I got out of bed and greeted Erza and Wendy with enthusiasm, forgetting everything that happened the night before.

"It's nice to meet you both." I waved.

"Likewise." Erza replied with a delicate smile. Wendy nodded with a red face still steaming.

"Wendy? Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine... Its just..." I watched as she stuttered her words. "Are you dating Gray?" She asked with a high pitched squeal. I gasped with everyone else but assured them that that wasn't the case. Although he may be cute, I wouldn't sleep with a guy I just met.

"Honestly, I wasn't feeling great yesterday but Gray came to comfort me. Though I wasn't expecting this to happen." I giggled, looking at Gray with no clothes on. "Where are your clothes, by the way?"

"Right here." Scout nudged at the ripped clothes laying on the wooden floor. We all laughed at Scout's action except for Gray who had to run back home to get some fresh clothes. As he left, I excused myself for a bit to change into a new pair of clothing as well which Lucy gave me. Wendy and Erza were notified of my situation as soon as they arrived at the guild. They were quite suspicious at first but relaxed soon after getting to know me. As I finished my daily routine of the morning, I head to the main guild hall to get some breakfast and hopefully learn a bit more of what I missed and what's yet to happen. I sat to the nearest table I could find and gave Mira my order. While waiting for my meal, I started thinking of my past and future. My dad got me mixed into something big but what could it be? Now that I know I'm a dragon slayer as well, I have to figure out what I can do. I know I can control earth, water and air, but I haven't tried fire yet. It would make sense if I could control all four elements... Gray suddenly slides beside me, letting his arm swerve around my shoulders.

"You feeling any better today?" He asks without looking at me.

"Im fine. Thanks for asking." I show a genuine smile as he turns his head to slowly see a pink flush on his cheeks.

"N-no problem... If ever you need to talk or practice your water magic, don't be shy to ask me." He grins. I nod and he left, ruffling my hair before waving goodbye. Lucy arrived shortly after and sits in front of me, cupping her cheeks with boredom.

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