Chapter 50

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''What's wrong'' I asked walking into the bedroom Bradley shook his head with his head buried in the pillow I frowned and sat on the side of the bed rubbing his back. ''What's wrong babe'' I asked he turned

''My tooth hurts'' he manage to say I frowned and turned his jaw to me in yelped in pain. ''ok I will make an emergency appointment'' I said taking my phone out ringing the dentist

''Hello, I'd like to make an emergency appointment'' I asked looking at him rubbing his chest

''We have a free time at 2:30 today''

''That would be brilliant''

''Just the name and date of birth please''

''Bradley Brown May 29th 1992 '' I said. ''That's great see you then'' I thanked the women and hung up

''2:30 go get dressed'' he nodded and I took my phone out. ''Evan can you mind the baby for me while I go the dentist with Bradley'' I asked

''Sure thing sis I be over now''

''Thanks'' I hung up and I went into the closet and got dressed then headed into Harvey's room and I woke him from his nap and I dressed him gave him Juice and I packed his baby bag just as I heard a knock on the front door, I picked the baby up and I went down stair's

''Thanks so much'' I said handing Harvey over to Evan. ''No problem we are going to go cursing find some chicks isn't that right little man'' he asked Harvey smiled and giggled I smiled and I kissed his head

''Everything is in here for him, I don't know how long we will be I will text you ok''

''No rush'' he hugged me and walked out and I looked down at my watch it was 2 o clock. ''Babe you ready '' I called out grabbing my car keys I heard a hum and he walked down the stairs in an odd tracksuit and flip flops and I could tell by his face he was in agony I frowned and he walked out to the car and I locked the house up then drove to the dentist

''Bradley Brown'' I said to the lady she looked up at me then to my left to Bradley. ''Just sign this'' she gave us a clip cart with question for his information, I thanked her and we sat down I took the cap off the lid and I read the question and answered them, I know everything about him so it was easy.

''Who will I put for emergency number me or you parents'' I asked he pointed to me I nodded and wrote my contact details and he signed his own signature and I had the clip board back to the lady

''Just have a seat and the dentist be right with use'' I thanked her and sat back down beside him he looked at me his face drained and tired from his mouth hurting him I bit my lip and rubbed the back of his hand

''You be better soon baby '' I said kissing the back of his hand he nodded and rested his head on my shoulder I kissed the top of his head. ''Bradley Brown'' I looked up to see the dentist I looked at Bradley he kissed my cheek softly and walked in with the dentist. Being an adult sucks because you can't bring other people in room with you. I flicked through a magazine for about 40 minutes' then the doctor came out and called me in, I walked in and Bradley was on the dentist chair he looked in even more pain I frowned

''What's wrong with him'' I asked the doctor walking over to Bradley holding his hand

''We had to take his tooth at the back out because of him being a late started his wisdom teeth have been causing severe pain, it will be sore for a few more days I am done out a prescription for pain relief that will knock him out and make him loopy and drossy so make sure when he takes them he is laying down, this tablets will make him really grumy and angry so just make peace with it'' I nodded

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