Chapter 3

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''You know you guys are eventually going to have to talk'' he said driving around Atlanta I sighed. ''I can't look at him without feeling angry and sad thou '' I said he nodded

''Yeah I know, but you both won't get past this if you don't talk it out''

''And what go up and say what was the real reason'' I asked

''Yeah exactly there is more of a reason than that, I don't want to put this into your head and no father likes seeing his daughter up set, but maybe he cheated or something''

''Yeah that crossed my mind a lot '' I said to him then it went silent and he told me about how him and mom broke up and he slept with Mandy it was a one night stand he hated cheating on Laura but they worked around it. ''You are a Bieber you can get through anything''


''Yeah I know goodbye now'' I pushed Justin and Laura out the door. Tonight was Bradley's birthday and I was minding Lexi Carson the twins and Riley

''Right movie time'' I said Carson groaned I smiled. ''Let me put a movie on for them and we go play a video game'' he grinned I chuckled and the girls when into the theatre with the twins and I put on finding Nemo the twins love it. And I went into the games room with Carson leaving the door opened and we played COD and Fifa for about an hour then he headed up stairs and I went into the theatre. I didn't watch the movie I went onto my phone and I saw the top trend.


I sighed and looked through the tweets, most wondering if I am going to be at the dinner. I groaned locked my phone and I looked at the movie the credits where rolling and I put on snow white on and once the was over the twins feel asleep so I brought them up to bed and went back down and we sat in the living room and around 10 o clock they feel asleep and I covered them up and I put criminal minds on and I watched it until I felt sleep taking over me and I closed my eyes and everything went black.

I woke up a while later with my phone buzzing under my ear, I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes and it was a massage from Bradley put it was like slurred and hard to read so I replied with a what? Then my phone buzzed a few minutes later and I opened the text my breath caught in my chest.

From: Bradley

I miss you so much Ron, ugh I have a lot explaining to do I guess? Right when I said I didn't love, I never meant that I love you more than anyone in this world you made me happy when I felt like fucking shit, just looking at you makes my day. So the real reason is well eh over Clara, they week we came home from Paris I was at soccer training and she came over to me trying to flirt, I pushed her away making it clear you were my girlfriend, and well eh she threatened me, she told me if I didn't dump you I would be hurt but not physically it would be you she would hurt, and I know Carla I know what she is capable of and I have seen her fight and it's not pretty, I ended it because I didn't want you to get hurt and I am so sorry Ronnie you have no idea how every day I regret finishing you.

This is Evan he told me what to write and to tell you he loves you


''Hey Ron' 'Chris said confused opening the door I smiled. ''Is he in'' I asked

''Yeah he just went up with a hangover go on up''

''There is going to be shouting so I apologies for bad language'' he laughed nodding and I walked up the stairs I knocked on his door he groaned and I heard him walking over and he opened the door and opened his eyes and moved back

''Ronnie'' I shoved my phone into his chest. ''Read it and fucking explain well that's if you fucking can '' I shot he looked down and read it then groaned

''Look Ronnie I can explain''

''Go on then Bradley do explain'' I crossed my arms. ''I done it to protect you'' he said I rolled my eyes

''I got hurt either way Bradley, I would have rather getting a beating of a girl than go through that fucking pain of losing you, 7 poxy months I cried because I missed you Bradley'' I shouted. ''You think I didn't miss you Ronnie huh, every fucking day for the 12 months and 9 days you were gone I fucking missed you every day, not fucking once have I even kissed a girl all because I dumped the girl I love because my physcho ex-girlfriend was so jealous she was going to beat her up, I taught I was doing the right thing'' he shouted back

''Yeah well you didn't Bradley you fucking didn't, time to move on Bradley get another girl'' I said snatching my phone from his hand and I stormed down stairs hearing him run after me

''But I want you Ronnie I can't fucking move on when I am in love with you'' he grabbed my arm I pushed him off. ''You know what Bradley'' I looked him up and down'' I don't love you no more'' I said he moved away from me and I saw the look of heartache appear on his face and I turned around and I headed out the door and I got in my car and rested my head on the steering wheel then there was a knock on the window I turned my head to Bradley I sighed and I rolled down the window he leaned on the door

''You don't mean that Ronnie please tell me you don't me that, tell me you love please, we have been though so much we dated for a year you have to still love me'' he begged his eyes watered I looked at him and saw one tear roll down his face I frowned and I wiped it away and looked forward

''Of course I do you ass'' I mumbled he let out a sigh of relief. ''You remember the night I told you I loved you and we made love'' I nodded looking forward. ''And I told you no matter what happens in the future the bumps we hit on our journey we will still come out of it hand in hand'' I nodded once again

''I will get you back Ronnie, I don't care what it takes me but I will, I love you more than anything and I was a prick to let you go but I am not letting you go any more, no matter what you say, I will work my bollox off for you I promise you I will'' he said I sighed shaking my head

''Bradley you shattered my heart I honestly don't think it can be repaired'' I started the car. ''I will Ronnie you just have to tell me how I will do anything'' he said I looked at him

''I don't even know, there is a part of me that wants to drive off now and never look back and forget all about you'' he moved away'' then the other part of me just wanted what we had before you dumped me'' he winched then my phone rang I looked at the caller, it was Donna

''I have to go, going the mall with Donna ''I said he nodded and moved away I gave him a small smiled and I drove out of his drive way and towards Donna's house for some serious retail session and spill my feelings out

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