Chapter 25

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''How is the bump '' Evan asked I looked down at the ground. ''Fine thanks'' I said plainly he sighed.

''Ronnie we are sorry ok really we are'' he said I looked at him and laughed dryly.

''You really think a small little apology will get forgiveness Evan huh, you all are supposed to be my family. I got pregnant big fucking deal you were happy for me at the start what happen the past week huh '' I shot he looked down

''You lot are a disgrace and believe me once he wakes up I am out of here and I don't want to see any of you again''.

''Ronnie'' Laura started.

''I thought better of you, you got pregnant when you were 17, you're the closest thing to a mom you are supposed to be there for me, where were you when I collapsed Tuesday morning, huh I thought I lost my baby, oh I know you all were in Mexico while I sat in a hospital praying that my baby was still alive'' I shot at her and she looked down.

''You all sicking me, you know my 9 year old sister was the only one who rang me, bet you didn't know we talked every night'' I said they looked at Lexi who looked down at her hands fiddling with a bracelet.

''She is my family, you lot you lot aren't and to show how much I really hate you, I am changing my name to parker''.

''You can't '' Justin said.

''Oh it speaks'' I said.

''You are not changing your name'' I laughed.

''And what are you going to stop me Justin '' he frowned.

''It's dad'' I laughed.

''You know Chris has been more of a dad to me hell Steve is more of a dad to me and I don't see him. You know him and my mom have been ringing me nearly every hour to see if I was ok they were even going to fly everyone out and move into a hotel until I had my baby, least I have one set of real parents''.

''He is not your fucking dad''.

''And Laura is not my mom but it doesn't bother you when I called her it'' I shouted back.

''Keep in mind I am your real father''.

''Yeah and keep in mind I am YOUR daughter, the very one you so called spend years looking for, crying because you thought I was going to die. Then my prays will finally answered, I prayed every night I would be blessed with a child and I was I was a very bless girl getting a chance to be a mother and my own dad talk disgust about me'' I said looking him up and down. ''Believe me everyone will know what the real Bieber family is all about, I will answer there question on how my parents feel and I will exactly tell them how you don't want to know me, and I will make sure my child never knows of you'' I said and walked out of the waiting room back to the corridor and I heard footsteps running out after me.

''Ronnie please hear me out'' Justin called I turned to him.

''Go back into your family Justin because I'm not part of it '' I said sitting down on the seats outside rubbing the side of my belly trying to calm down for the baby's sake and he walked up to me.

''Yeah you are Ronnie you fucking well are'' I rolled my eyes.

''Want to know where why your mom has been ignoring you huh you want to know''.

''Because of your brain washing her'' I asked.

''No we have been planning a baby shower for you and your mom has spent every fucking waking minute planning it. We wanted to give you the best, we all have been putting ideas together and we finally have it done, yeah you are only 5 months but we wanted to do it know get it over with, we had to throw the pap's off so you wouldn't think of anything but that''.

''Ok so you think it's ok now do you have any idea how much I cried because of you all'' I shouted he looked down I looked over his shoulder to see Laura.

''I don't want your baby shower; I want nothing to do with you all. I put my child in danger not sleeping or eating because of you all'' I shook my head and I walked out and I ran down the stairs.

''Ronnie please stop and listen'' I turned around again.

''No alright no that was a sick move you could have said you were going to Mexico and still called me, I cried every fucking night every god damn night'' I said Laura looked heartbroken but right now I didn't care, they done a sick move a really sick move.

To: Bradley

Is Jake ok?.

From: Bradley

Yeah babe he is fine x.

I put my phone in my pocket and I walked back home and I striped down and I got into the shower dried then I got into fresh Pj's and I opened up my laptop and I went shopping online for the baby getting lemon and white and orange clothes because we didn't know the sex yet.

''Thank you'' I took the bag of Chinese of the delivery guy and I paid and went back inside and ate it all up until I was stuff to the core.

Knock, Knock

I got up and opened the door to Bradley and I walked back in and sat down watching Marley and me and he sat beside me and turned it off I sighed.

''I'm sorry I shouted at you this morning I was just worried sick'' he said rubbing my belly I nodded.

''I'm sorry for leaving the house'' I said and gave him a small smile.

''I'm not leaving you Ronnie, I love you and I love this baby, when I say we are going to be a family I mean it'' he said I nodded and he kissed me softly and I looked down at the floor.

''Babe you need to talk to them'' I shook my head.

''I don't need them in my life''.

''Yes, yes you do Ronnie I hear you cry every night I hear you wake up out of you sleep and go into the bathroom and cry I see this killing you. Baby please hear them out ok I know you won't to but you are to subborn to give into your heart'' he said I bit my lip.

''I have a throbbing head ache'' I said he smiled and kissed my forehead and he went in and got me a glass of water and two pain killers.

''I eh I invited them over tomorrow morning''.

''YOU WHAT '' I shouted he winched moving away.

''I know you won't go a near their house so I told them to come over in the morning and work things out and before you say you won't be here I will make sure you are, I will stop you from going out and I will stop you from locking yourself in your room. You are going to me a mother very soon and you need to think about this little one and baby needs both set of grandparents''.

''Ugh I hate you Bradley '' he smiled.

''And I love you too baby'' .

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