Chapter 26

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''I don't want to see them Bradley I have nothing to say'' I said huffing crossing my arms over my bump.

''No but they do so you will sit down and listen'' I groaned and stomped off to the bedroom and I slammed the door and I went to my wardrobe took clothes out and got dressed and walked past Bradley giving him the evils he just smiled and followed me into the kitchen and I made myself some toast and tapped my nails on the counter until arms wrapped around me and he placed his hand on mine and lifted it and wrapped it around me and I let out a long breath.

''You look good'' he whispered I scoffed and shrugged him off and butter my toast and I sat down then there was knocks on the door I looked at my toast he groaned mumbling it's going to be a long day.

''Well that's your fault you big fat bastard head' I called after him he laughed loudly and I ate the rest of my toast hearing him talking to the others and I wiped my mouth and hands and drank my juice then I walked down the hall into the living room and they all looked at me and they looked at my belly

''Ronnie'' Lexi squealed running over I smiled and kissed the top of her head and hugged her she rubbed my belly and the baby kicked she squealed I laughed and felt something at my leg I looked down to see the twins I pouted my lips and I bent down and hugged them both and a single tear escaped my eye

''I missed you both so much'' I whispered.

''Me too'' they said in unison I smiled and kissed all over their faces making them giggled.

''Ronnie'' they dragged out I laughed and stood up.

''Want Mane to come in'' I asked and they nodded I smiled and walked over to the balcony door and I let him in and closed it with the lock they cheered and he ran over to them.

''Well sit down'' I mumbled to the others and I sat down on the single couch.

''So eh how is Jake he alright'' I asked starting conversation they nodded.

''Yeah he is doing well, they move him into a recovery ward should be out in a few weeks once his skull is healed.''

''Well that's good news'' I said.

''Ronnie'' Kasey walked over to me I took her pacifier out of her mouth and I picked her up.

''Come home'' she whispered.

''Sweetie this is my home now'' she shook her head and her lip quivered and she nuzzled her head into my neck I kissed the top of her head.

''Hey look at me'' I said she looked up.

''Will me you Lexi have a sleep over tonight and watch Nemo and snow white'' I asked she nodded.

''Can they '' I looked at Justin and Laura who nodded I kissed the top of head again and she took her pacifier off me and walked over and sat beside Justin.

''Can me stay '' Rory asked I tickled him.

''You want to stay with 3 girls'' he nodded giggling we chuckled.

''Ok then bud you can stay to '' I said and he ran back over to Mane.

''Look Ronnie we never meant for all of this to turn out this way ''Justin said.

''Neither did I Justin but I am having a baby and you can either come to terms with that or there's the door'' I said he looked down and rubbed his face.

''I have and I am happy for you Ronnie I swear to you I am. When you said you were pregnant I was shocked not disappointed it may came across as that but I wasn't, I just couldn't get my head around my baby Ronnie was going to have a baby herself and I was afraid I know how hard it is being a teenage parent and you have to go through labour it was all too much for me and I honestly from the bottom of my heart am sorry for what I said, these past few week has been torture with me and you fighting'' he said.

''Right you go ''Bradley said to me I glared at him.

''You want to keep that tongue I advise you to shut your mouth before I cut it off understand'' I growled he gulped and nodded rapidly while the other laughed and he moved away from me.

''Hormones I hate them'' he mumbled

''You didn't even let me explain myself Justin. When I heard you saying you shouldn't have come find me I felt sick I felt disgusted with myself for making you feel that way, everything ran through my mind and what made it worse what I will hate myself until I die for, I thought if I got rid of this baby would my dad still hate me'' I shook my head in shame.

''I don't hate you Ronnie I never will hate you, your my daughter and you are having my grandchild and I want to me there for you when you need me, I was shocked really shocked I got it so into my head you wouldn't have a baby but when you said it I didn't know what was going on but I am really sorry you have no idea how sorry I am, I fucking hate myself for blowing up at you, I don't give a fuck what the media say about any of us because my family are more important than anyone else and you are my family Ronnie you are my baby girl you're important to me '' he said desperately I bit my lip and sighed.

'Why didn't you guys just tell me you were going out of town do you have any idea how much it killed me to think you Laura would leave me without a mom going through my first pregnancy'' tears threated to fall she sniffled tears already in her eyes had slip down her face.

''We didn't think anything would have happened like this we thought Bradley would have kept you busy with the baby shopping we would get about for 4 days but we didn't we saw your twitter updates we were talking to Madison she told us how you weren't sleeping and when you went into hospital we didn't know we had no clue Ronnie you should know quite well if you needed me I would be there in a flash, we found out when you got out of the hospital and we drove straight over to Bradley's and when we got there you were sleeping we stead for about 7 hours but you were out for the count and when we were going the next morning Jake was in the crash, Ronnie sweetie we are truly sorry you have no idea how much we hate ourselves for thinking we would get away with it'' she said I sighed and looked at Bradley and around the room at there sorry guilty face and I nodded and sighed.

''I forgive you all'' Evan dived on me I laughed and hugged him tight.

''I missed you, I wanted to ring but I wasn't allowed'' he whispered.

''I know Lexi told me last night'' I smiled and he pulled off me and I hugged Carson and I stood up and Laura stood up and I hugged her tight and small sob escaped her lips I hugged her tighter not getting to close because my 5 month bump stopped me. She pulled out and I bit my lip and looked at Justin he got up and he hugged me the tightest telling me how sorry he was and how I will make the best mother out there I smiled and hugged him tighter and right then I felt hole, I was ready for mother hood once I had my boyfriend and my family right behind me.

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