Chapter 23

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''What you think'' I asked Bradley walking around the apartment.

''It's great plus it's only $750 a month'' I nodded.

''Hmmm it's a grand price '' I said looking around the room and looked at him.

''You should do it what have you got to lose''.


''Exactly'' I smiled and I signed a 10 month contract with the landlord just in case I get a change of mind but I can always add more on, and I wrote her a cheque out for the first 3 months payment and she gave me the keys and left and we sat down.

''Never thought this would happen'' I mumbled he sat beside me rubbing my belly.

''I still can't believe we are having a baby '' I smiled.

''October baby, we will have a 2 month for Christmas please god'' he smiled and kissed me softly and rubbed my belly again softly.

''I need to get mane '' I sighed.

''Want me to get him''.

''Would you'' he nodded and kissed me softly I smiled and pulled out looking around the living room.

''I need to go to IKEA and get some stuff and shopping '' I said standing up.

''Want me to come with you''.

''Nah it's ok you can stay here and chill or whatever, I won't be long'' I said putting my uggs on.

''I will go get Mane now then '' I nodded grabbing my car keys and he headed to my house and I drove to the mall and I done a week shopping, and I was quite pleased with myself going shopping. I bought the food then I got bed sheets towels plates bowls cups cushions for the sofa's new pillows new duvet rugs throw over's then I packed the car up and I headed back to the apartment, now I was on the 3 floor so I had no choice but to get in the elevator with all these bags. I closed my eyes and hummed a song to myself and the doors opened I put a bag at the doors blocking in and I took out all my other bags and put them outside the apartment door and I got the others and walked back down I put them in the apartment and I went down to the car and got the other bag and one more time I done that then I collapsed on the sofa.

Knock, Knock.

I got up and walked over to the door and I opened it to see Bradley carrying Mane in his bed I smiled.

''Hey buddy I missed you '' I cooed to my 3 month old pug and I walked into the living room and sat down Bradley followed me.

''Man the tension in that house is unreal, everyone is Just in their own rooms'' I sighed.

''I caused nothing but fights in the family. If I wasn't pregnant I would get a flight out of here and go''.

''And leave me'' I looked down at Mane he sighed.

''This isn't your fault Ronnie it's both our fault, yes you are young and having a baby when you are 19 but no doubt you will be the best mother out there. Your dad is just in shock, don't forget doctors always told him you would never conceive, so he got it so into his head that he wouldn't have to watch his teenage daugther go threw pregnancy, he just took it all the wrong way ''.

''Still doesn't change what he said, he is more bothered about his image than me and his grandchild'' he rubbed my leg I rubbed my face feeling really glum and I cuddled with Mane.

''We need to go baby shopping giving you are 5 months we don't have a thing'' he said I nodded.

''Yeah I already have a date set up next Wednesday with our mom's so make sure you're not busy with work'' he nodded and pulled my body over to him and I cuddled into his side and he put his hand under my top and rubbed my belly. I closed my eyes him rubbing my belly calmed me a lot then I jotted forward as I did Bradley.

''Ronnie what's wrong'' he stood up panicking I touched my belly and I felt that feeling again I smile.

''The baby is kicking'' I legit cried and his jaw dropped and he leaned down and put his hands on my belly and he felt the baby kick again I bit my lip and I looked from my belly to Bradley he leaned down and kissed me I smiled.

''I can't believe the baby is kicking, damn I can't believe we will have a baby '' I smiled and sniffled he awed and kissed my tears away and sat down beside me.

@ronniebieber: love is when you first feel your baby move inside of you.

@ronniebieber: Yes I am pregnant and I am over the moon we both are, I don't care what you think hate me slag me off but god has blessed myself and Bradley with a Mircale and we are going to be the best parents ever.


''It's nice and cosy, you made it your own it's so cute '' the girls said as we sat down I smiled.

''Yeah it'll do for the time being''.

''So what you going to do now '' I shrugged.

''I have an interview for my mom's store here in Atlanta tomorrow''. I said bending my knees and leaning against one of the big fancy pillows I bought.

''You still have to interview'' Donna asked confused.

''Yeah she is the manager but I have to do by the lady who runs it now and show her my designs, but I will more than likely get it since it's my mom's store '' I said they nodded.

''So if you get it how long is it for''.

''Well i be only working till I have the baby. I'll be designing so I already am putting my portfolio together and I can work from home as well so it's quiet handy so tip wood I get it'' we all did and Lisa rubbed my belly.

''I can't believe you are having a little baby '' I chuckled rubbing the end of my tummy.

''Me either, I thought I had cancer because of my stomach swelling so you could imagine how I was, I nearly fainted with the news, when the doctor look at me he was as pale as a ghost, i nearly did but I never felt so happy in my life, knowing that I have a little person growing in my belly and this little one will always be mine'' i said rubbing the bottom of my belly they all smile and Lisa rubbed my belly.

''When you going shopping''.

''Next Wednesday with our moms''.

''Is the baby going to be going back and forward''.

''No baby be with me but Bradley he knows he is more than welcome to stay here when ever he want's, I don't want the baby away from him and he doesn't either so he has a key he is welcome anytime of course''.

''You think you guys will move in together'' Emily asked they all looked at me I shrugged.

''Wouldn't it be too soon we are only with each other a year on June 7th''.

''Yeah but you were together for a year 2 years ago, you guys are one of them couples who will fight hell kill each other but will always come out on top, I thinking moving in would be just perfect for you both'' Donna said I smiled rubbing my face yawning. We ordered out and we pigged out watching telly then around 9pm they all headed home and I got a shower got out dried moisturized done my hair then I got dressed then I chilled out on the sofa and I sat looking around the living room. Yes I like having my own place, but I miss my family and I hate to say it but... I miss my dad.

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