Chapter 32

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''Awe'' I heard the girls gush.

''Ronnie get out here'' I looked down at my outfit and I walked out of the small bathroom into the bedroom and I looked at the foot of the bed to see a big bouquet of red roses.

''Awh are those for me'' I gushed walking over.

''Yup'' I turned around to see Bradley sitting on the arm of the sofa beside Steve.

''Awh thanks Babe I love them '' I smiled and I walked over and kissed him softly he pulled out and checked me out I chuckled and walked back over to the flowers.

''She only had a baby 2 days ago and she looks gorgeous''.

''Read my mind ''everyone said I scoffed and sat down.

''Lexi you want to hold your nephew'' she nodded.

''Sit on the bed'' I said and she done as she was told and Laura handed Harvey to her she smiled and kissed his head we all awed.

''It's mad he has an aunty not even 12 months older than him '' I said and looked over at Megan she looked around the room I got up and took her from Jaden.

''How you doing'' I tickled her belly she giggled and I sat down on the chair.

''The baba'' I pointed at Harvey she leaned forward and took his pacifier.

''Megan no ''Madison said I chuckled.

''She is fine'' I said and turned her.

''You littler robber'' I said she giggled and put the pacifier at my mouth I opened my mouth and took it she giggled loudly I smiled and hugged her and turned her around and I gave the pacifier to Lexi and she put it in his mouth I smiled at her as she played with his hand I chuckled.

''Did they say when you are aloud out''.

''Tomorrow morning or the day after'' I said then the door opened and the doctor came in.

''Alright Doc'' I said to the handsome young Dr Reid.

''How you doing kiddo'' he asked standing at the end of the bed looking at her chart.

''Doing well thanks''.

''You in any pain''.

''Just a bit but nothing to bad'' he nodded.

''Now I know you have a big family so you don't need help on how to bath him'' I shook my head.

''No I know how to bath a new born done it plenty of times with my siblings'' I said he nodded.

''Right so you will be out in 2 days' time and then he will get the prick test '' I sighed and nodded.

''Since you are here, I was changing him this morning and his left leg seems to be a little off'' he looked at me confused I stood up I gave Megan to Laura and I took Harvey from Lexi and laid him on the bed and took his legs out of his baby grow.

''See his left leg looks like loose put his right he seems to have more strength in it and when I moved his leg this morning he cried for ages'' I said he walked over and moved his leg around and he cried I winched biting my lip.

''It's nothing to worry about, he hasn't got strength in his body yet but if it is still like this in 2 month comes back'' I nodded and put his clothes back on and picked him up cooing him and he nuzzled his head in my neck, I kissed the top of his head swaying from side to side. Doc went after a few minutes of talking.

''2 days left prince till we go home with daddy'' I whispered kissing the side of his head and he moved his head back and forward bending his neck to my chest. And I smiled down at him, feeling him doing that just made my heart flutter

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