Chapter 33

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I rolled over in the bed my hand touched the cold sheet causing me to open my eyes seeing the other side of the bed empty. I looked around the room not seeing Bradley anywhere. I got up and walked over to Harvey's crib to see that empty I frowned and opened the door to hear the living room TV on I relaxed a little and I walked into the room and I saw Harvey asleep on Bradley's chest who was playing the Xbox, I smiled and reached over for his phone and I snapped a picture making him turn his head to me.

''Why you out here'' I whispered sitting down beside him. ''He wouldn't settle'' I frowned.

''Babe you don't keep having to get up with him I told you I will''. ''I don't mind doing it'' he said then yawned I raised my eyebrows he smiled, I stood up and gently picked Harvey up and I held him to my chest and he nuzzled his face in my neck.

''C'mon'' I said and walked back into the bed room I put Harvey down in his crib and I got back into bed followed by Bradley, he striped to his boxers and got under the covers.

''When did you feed him''.

''like 40 minutes ago'' he mumbled. ''Ok, I am doing next feed so don't get out of the bed'' he nodded pulling me to his chest, I draped my arm over his stomach and my finger drew circles around his scar from when he got shot and his breath was steady I looked up he was asleep so I moved off him and covered his chest and laid on my own pillow.

''No come back'' he mumbled pulling me back I smiled and laid back on his chest, he rested his head on mine and ran his hand through my hair slowly putting me asleep.

I woke up to the baby crying, I yawned and got up and walked over to him and picked him up and I put him on his changing table changed his dirty diaper then I sat on the rocking chair I took his bottle out of the heater we have in the room and I tested it then I gave it to him and he latched onto gulping it down, I laid him back in my arms while he drank his bottle.

''Now buddy'' I whispered as I winded him and he burped I rubbed his back for a few more minutes then I laid him back down giving him his pacifier and he was back to sleep now long after. I looked at the clock and it was 5am, I got back into bed for another 3 hours of sleep before he has me up again.


''Babe you ready''.

''2 minutes'' I called out and put my sandals on and I grabbed my shoulder bag and I walked out to the living room, Bradley turned his head away from Harvey to me and his mouth parted I chuckled and picked Harvey up.

''You want to go see grandpa and grandma '' I asked he looked at me I smiled and kissed his forehead and put him in his car seat. ''Ugh he is so tiny it's so adorable'' I gushed looking at him he was a tiny little thing. I put a blanket over him and made sure he was warm then I stood up and I looked at Bradley who looked at me.

''You milf'' he blurted out I laughed and grabbed my car keys. ''Grab him '' he stood up and pulled me to him and kissed me with force I groaned he smirked and ran his hand down to me bum and squeezed it, I gasped and he shoved his tongue into my mouth I moaned pulling him closer to me.

''Ok we have to stop'' he kissed my neck I closed my eyes and shook my head and moved away he smirked. ''Jerk'' I mumbled he kissed my cheek and turned around and picked the car seat up I bit my lip he looked at me and smiled.

''You ready'' I nodded and opened the door, he walked out and I locked it after us and got in the lift I bit my lip and looked down at Harvey for a distraction.

''I really should look into a bottom floor apartment '' I said getting out and I beeped my car. ''But you love where you are now''.

''Yeah but I am going to have to get in that elevator and it will get stuck and he will be with me'' I said and I strapped the car seat in and kissed Harvey's head then I closed the door and got in the driver's seat and looked over at Bradley.

''Well your leas is up in what March '' I hummed him and I back out of my spot and I drove out of the car park and I drove towards my parents' house. ''I am in the hospital on Tuesday week''.


''The midwife, he has to be weight since he will be a month'' I said and buzzed my parents gate. ''Hello'' Laura asked. ''Hey mom it's me'' I said.

''Come on up babe'' she buzzed us in and the gates opened and I drove up and parked at the garage and got out and Bradley got the baby and we walked into the house.

''Mom'' I called out. ''In here babe'' she called from the living room, I closed the front door and walked into the living room.

''Hey'' I said and kissed her cheek and sat down I heard Bradley talking in the hall then walked in followed by Justin and Evan. ''Hey dad'' he smiled and sat down.

''How you hun'' he asked. ''I'm good '' I said crossing my legs then Harvey started crying I looked over at him and put the pacifier back in his mouth and rocked the car seat.

''Go heat his bottle'' I said to Bradley who took his bottle and walked out of the room. ''How is he sleeping for you'' Laura asked as I took him out of his car seat she awed.

''He is so tiny'' she gushed I chuckled and handed him to her. ''So he sleeping good'' Justin asked I nodded.

''Yeah he is a bit on and off one night he will sleep all night through and we have to wake him, then the next he wakes up screaming bloody murder when his pacifier falls out, but he isn't a bother'' I said looking at him pulling faces in his sleep.

''Here'' Bradley said giving Laura his bottle.

''So how are you kids finding parenthood'' Justin asked. ''So far it's good but it's going to get harder we know that but once we are together we can handle him'' Bradley said and a small awh escaped mine and Laura lips causing him to blush shaking his head.

''So you don't plan and going out clubbing leaving her at home'' Justin raised his eyebrows I kicked his leg. ''No honestly I would rather stay with them than go drinking, I have plenty of time for going out but every day with him we learn more and I don't want to miss anything'' he said and looked at Harvey then me I smiled and sat back and crossed my leg.

''I envy you little bitch'' Laura mumbled I laughed.


''Look at you fucking figure is back already and you only gave birth 3 and half weeks ago'' I scoffed. ''Will you stop I have it hidden with baggy clothes'' I covered Justin ears ''my ass is a soggy as anything'' I removed his hands he chuckled.

''I am started back exercising tomorrow so Harvey will be my walking buddy'' I said nodding my head they chuckled. ''How is finding the apartment '' Evan asked.

''He doesn't like the colour of the hallway so he told me to paint it blue '' I said sarcastically.

''Ha, ha '' he said and I chuckled. ''She is going for a different one'' Bradley said.

''You are'' Justin asked I nodded. ''Yeah something on the bottom floor so I don't have to get in the elevator, I will end up fainting in it one day and I know I will have the baby with me and walking up the stairs with a car seat will take everything out of me'' I said he nodded with a thinking look, I raised my eyebrows he smiled and kissed the top of my head.

''Look before your leas is up''.

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