Chapter 21

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''WHAT'S WRONG '' Laura shouted running into the hospital room I wiped my tears and looked at the ground.

''I will leave you too it '' the Dr said I wiped my cheeks again and I looked up at Laura who had a worried and afraid expression on her face

''Please tell me the cancer isn't back '' I shook my head.

''Then what's wrong'' I took a deep breath and looked at her. I am free of cancer two years it's been but the news I just got I can't believe it, I don't know whether to be happy or sad so I am just shocked.


I groaned and walked around the empty house and walked into the kitchen and I walked out the back letting mane out and I sat on the ground as he sniffed around the grass with Shawty following him.

''Good boy '' I said as he done his wee and I picked him up and walked back into the house locking the back door after me and I went and sat in the living room.

''Babe '' I heard Bradley call out.

''In here'' I shouted and I looked away from the telly to the door as he walked in, he smiled and sat down and kissed me.

''What's up''.

''Nothing board, feel sick, what about you 21 tomorrow you are going to be legal ''.

''Yeah be out on the piss soon ''.

''Lucky pig I have two wait 2 goddamn years, I think I will move to the UK I am legal there'' he laughed and rubbed my thigh.

''So tomorrow don't hate me put I book dinner for me and you since you parents are going to your grandparents tomorrow, then when we get home we can hang out the other will come over and we can get drunk and not remember our names or ages''.

''Sound good to me babe '' he patted my leg I smiled and he put on step brothers and closed the curtains and kicked his shoes off and laid down resting his head on my lap and Mane growled he sat up and he barked in his face.

''Whoa '' he said up I laughed and rubbed the dog's head. ''He sleeps there'' I said he glared at the dog.

''Hey '' I slapped his leg he smiled and leaned in and kissed me and the dog growled again making us pull out and looked down he was looking at Bradley growling my eyes widen.

''Awh he is protecting his mommy'' I gushed

''Hey you little shite she is my women not yours so if I want to kiss her lay on her I will ok '' he pointed his finger and the dog who bit it.

''Ow'' he said standing up I gasped and looked at Mane who was giving me his puppy eyes

''No don't fall for it '' Bradley said firmly. ''You are a bold boy mane you are not to be mean to people you little bugger '' I tap his nose and put him on the floor and I stood up and looked at Bradley's hand.

''He didn't break the skin I think you will survive''. I bit back a laugh

''Not funny he is a little shit, can't even kiss you'' he mumbled I smiled and turned his face to me and leaned up and kissed him ignoring mane barking at us.

''Ah ha '' he said to the dog I rolled my eyes and sat down.

''Yeah and you're turning 21''.


''I came to pick up the birthday boy '' I sang walking into the house I heard him laughing and the noise of his shoes and he walked out of the kitchen and looked up and he stopped in his track.

''Birthday boy girl look ok '' I asked looking down at my outfit and twirled around ''Ok more like fucking beautiful but you will look even better once I have that dress on the floor tonight''' he walked over to me I checked him out in his grey suit pants a shirt and like a wasit coat and bit my lip he groaned.

''Hmmm and what's underneath you will love '' he groaned and crashed his lips to mine I moaned and smirked and pulled out.

''Come on I am starving for food'' I said and turned around and walked to the door.

''Enough looking at my ass Brown'' I said walking out to my BMW hearing him laugh and I got in he followed and I drove up town and I noticed he had his brand new watch I got him for this birthday, I also got him dog tags rings earrings a Segway and clothes.

''You sure this is a restaurant'' he asked looking at a new club.

''Yup it's upstairs a Chinese'' he nodded and I took his hand and walked up the stairs, he opened the door and walked in. ''Babe I think this is a w-SURPRISE'' the lights came on as all his friends and family shouted surprise. I looked at him his jaw was dropped as he looked around at the 200 people .

''Happy birthday son ''Chris hugged him. ''I thought you were going to gram's''.

''What and miss this hell no '' he laughed and walked around hugging and greeting his guest and I walked over to the girls and was stopped on the way by some familiar faces I said hi and sat down.

''You look great'''.

''Shame I don't feel it'' I mumbled.

''Belly still growing '' I nodded.

''Driving me mad'' I chuckled and I went over to my parents and Bradley's and his aunts and uncles and I sat talking to them all for about half an hour.

''Who planned this '' I heard Bradley ask as I sipped my drink.

''Your missus'' a guy shouted I chuckled putting the glass down and I looked at the others who were looking over my shoulder smiling I bit my lip and turned my head he crouched down beside me before I could open my mouth he kissed me and every awed I smiled and pulled out.

''I can't believe you done this''.

''Well you done something amazing for mine so least I could do was make your 21st rememorible'' I said he smiled and kissed me softly.

''Right go get drunk with your friends '' I pushed him.

''I'll be back over in a few'' I nodded pushing him away he smiled.

''Come on soon I will by you your first legal drink ''Chris said I smiled and they walked off and I sat talking to Madison Laura Lisa's mom for a while then the DJ was really kicking in and I got up with the girls for a hour or so then at around 9 they done the 21 kisses, Everyone queued up he got around 100 birthday kisses but they were slowly done in half then a guy went before me I laughed as he kissed his lips Bradley nearly died. He looked at me and stood up I smiled and walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him his 21st birthday kiss and everyone cheered and clapped, I smiled and pulled out and looked into his eyes and kissed him again and the night went on drinking and dancing for others and me I was mingling with everyone being polite too his friends then around 2am I sat down alongside Bradley.

''Happy 21st birthday baby boy '' I whispered he smiled and leaned down and kissed me softly.

''Thank you'' I smiled and bit my lip.

''What's wrong'' I looked at him again.

''Can I ask you a serious question'' I asked he nodded taking my hand and pulled me to the side.

''How much do you want to be a dad'' he groaned.

''Ronnie baby no not this again please''.

''Answer the question please Bradley'' I pleaded he sighed and looked to the ground then to me.

''A lot '' he mumbled I nodded he looked at me and I chewed my bottom lip.

''I'm pregnant''.

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