Chapter 15

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''Woohooo fun road trip my ass '' I mumbled pulling into the garage I got out and put money in the car and I beep the horn and the 3 of them shot up. ''Oh I'm glad you could wake up and keep me company '' I said sarcastically and I grabbed my wallet and I walked into the garage them got out and followed me and I beeped my car locking it and I got a bottle of coke and a big packet or Doritos and a diary milk.

''Can I have these and 40 gas on number 3'' I said to the guy he scanned my stuff in.

''$46 please'' I gave him 50. ''Keep the change''.

''Thank you babe'' I smiled and picked my bag up and I walked back to the car and I got in and waiting for them. 10 minutes later they came out with junk food drinks and magazines

''Babe I will drive''.

''No it's fine you can drive home'' I yawned and started the car and I pulled back out onto the road.

''Your destination 1 hour and 15 minutes'' they gasped. ''Babe I am sorry''. ''Yeah sis us too'' I smiled and waved them off and I opened my Doritos and I put them on my lap and put the radio on and ''Run it '' came on, I highered it and put my window down it was started to get dark now since it was heading on 7.

''God I hate being 18 '' I said opening my drink stopping at traffic again. ''Kid'' Bradley mumbled. ''you're the one dating me '' he shut up I chuckled and turned my head and pouted my lips he smiled and leaned over and kissed me I looked forward.

''What the hell is causing this''.

''Check point'' I nodded and moved forward seeing to coppers on either side of the road as cars pulled up they were checking the tax dates.

''Where you off to kids''.



''Trip'' I said simply. ''Driver's license '' I gave them to him he looked at it them to me and in the car.

''Well, well, well 3 famous people we have here'' he shouted to the other copper who walked over.

''Yeah now my tax is up to date and we are on a tight schedule so if you don't mind we would like to be on our way''.

''Of course not but we would be grateful if you would give us your autographs for our kids, my daughter loves your fashion sense'' I smiled and nodded signing my name and I handed the pad to Bradley and Jake.

''I will be number one parent for life'' I laughed and signed the other police man's pad and we were on our way.

''How often does that happen''. Donna wondered out loud ''Never had a police ask that but I get stopped in the street a lot with the same style icon crap''.

''They are right you have great style, look at your outfit I don't know anyone but you who would wear a shirt with jeans and heels and get away with it, you're hot simple as'' Donna said Bradley mumbled too right I chuckled.

''Coming from your one with the great ass in every pair of bottoms she wears'' she laughed and Jake wiggled his eyebrows I scoffed leaning my arm on the arm rest and Bradley done the same I put my hand out straight and he put his over mine lacing our hands together.

''Is it me or was she a little cheeky to the police'' Jake said the other two agreed. ''Was not'' I scoffed. ''Yeah you were, so if you don't mine jeez babe'' Bradley said I pushed him with my elbow.

''I didn't want to cause chaos with the drivers behind me'' they chuckled.

''Sure'' Bradley said and kissed my cheek I smiled and laid my head back.

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