Chapter 12

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''She ready'' Bradley asked Laura. ''She's coming now sweetie'' Laura said letting him in then they heard humming and looked up at the staircase to see Ronnie coming down looking amazing , Bradley smiled at her she smiled back showing off her white pearls and looked at Laura.

''Are you sure you don't want me to go with you''.

''I have Bradley mom don't worry I am fine'' Laura hugged her tight then the couple heading out to Bradley car and drove off to the hospital.

''Veronica Bieber'' she groaned. ''You are able to change your name once you turn 18 I think I will completely change it to Ronnie'' she mumbled to Bradley he chuckled kissing the side of her head and they walked into a room to see a male doctor sitting behind the desk, Bradley inner Groaned because it so happened to be the doctor who was there when she won't up from the fire the same doctor she has the hots for.

''Alright kiddo'' he said she smiled and sat down. ''So what happened I never had this before'' she asked playing with the ring on Bradleys pinkie.

''Well firstly here is a gown you can change into this in a moment then hop up on the bed and put both your lets up on these'' he pointed to the metal foot bars she nodded and he stepped out of the room, she took her top off and put the gown on her and took her jeans and underwear off and gave them to Bradley who held them putting her underwear underneath just to be safe his girls panties aren't on display. A few minutes later the doctor knock and she shouted come in and he smiled and pulled his a small stool over to the end of the bed and he picked up the speculum and it placed a condom on it and added lube to it so it won't slide into her easier.

''Ok this may hurt '' she nodded and looked at Bradley he didn't know where to look, one his girlfriend vagina was on display to another man when it's for his eyes only but that's the boyfriend side coming out and he walked over and held her hand.

''How are you periods Ronnie'' the doctor asked distracted her all she could think about was this man looking at her lady parts, thank god she shaved she thought to herself.

''Fine every month for 4 days'' she said he nodded and she grabbed Bradley feeling very uncomfortable as the large penis like thing move in her so a sample was produced and he pulled it out and he got the sample putting it into a tube and put the condom in the bin and covered her lower part.

''I will be back in, in 5 minutes'' they nodded and he walked out and she looked at Bradley.

''That was so uncomfortable thank god I shaved '' she said he glared at her she smiled playing with him and sat up and turned herself to the edge of the bed.

''That thing was long'' he nodded.

''It would have to be to reach your cervix'' he said giving her back her clothes. She stood up and took the hospital gown off her and laid it across the bend , Bradley gulped watching her redress and he felt his jeans tightening on him, he groaned and sat down she put her vans on and sat beside him, she looked and him he moved in his seat putting her hands on his crotch area and she chuckled to herself then the doctor came back in and sat in front of them.

''So I have seat them off myself and you will receive a call within 10-12 weeks with the result'' she nodded.

''Thanks doc, hopefully won't see you soon'' he laughed and the couple waved goodbye and walked out of the room Bradley took her hand and they walked down to the car park, he opened the door for her and got in and walked around to his side and got in staring the car and drove off out of the hospital grounds.

''So you ok'' he asked and she nodded.

''Fine, hungry though '' she said he nodded and drove towards subway and they got out and headed inside.

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