Chapter 44

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''Morning'' I said kissing Justin's and Laura's cheek and I sat down. ''Hey babe'' I smiled.

''What's up'' I asked crossing my legs leaning my arms on the table. ''We are looking for somewhere to go on holiday''.

''Just you two'' they nodded.

''Go to Paris it's really good, it's really romantic and you guys need that you haven't had a holiday to yourself as long as I have been here '' Laura looked at Justin biting her cheek.

''Where ever you want to go babe we will go '' he said I couldn't help but smile. ''Really '' he nodded she smiled and kissed his cheek and Kasey walked in with a little trailer walking behind her I smiled.

''Ronnie'' she said I smiled and picked my nearly 4 year old sister up.

''You and Rory want to come stay with me Bradley and Harvey for a few days while mommy and daddy go away'' I said. ''Really'' she shouted I chuckled and nodded.

''Yes'' I smiled and kissed her head. ''Oh Ronnie you don't need to'' Justin said I waved him off.

''So I think we should go to the play centre tomorrow'' I said sitting back Kasey jaw dropped we all laughed and she screamed and ran out of the room I chuckled.

''Go the holiday weekend when there is Paris Fashion show'' Justin hummed.

''Leave it to me'' he said taking his phone out and both myself and Laura shrugged. ''So where is Harvey'' she asked.

''Oh Carson wanted to bring him to the park with Lydia so I let him I got my laundry and cleaning done so I told him I will meet him here''.

''Bradley out with Jake''.

''No he is in work'' she nodded, Yes he got a job back in the studio he is producing music now, that's what he was training to do when we first got together, he work at My dad and his dad's music label being a producer and he stop going after we broke up but he is back there a few weeks and doing great, his hours are great so we still see each other most of the day.

''Ronnie it's for you'' Lexi shouted from the living room I got up and walked in and too the house phone off her. ''Hello'' I answered.

''R-Ronnie'' Mandy sniffled I frowned. ''Mandy what's wrong''.

''It's your Aunt'' she said my stomach dropped. ''What's wrong with her'' I asked she sniffled a few more.

''Her Kidney has failed, they don't think she will make the night, everyone has been called'' she said. Now I may not see my birth mom's family everyday but I talk to them a lot on the phone, I try to visit at least once every 2-3 months for a week and I Skype so I am pretty close with them. And my aunt Helen I am close to her in a normal aunt and niece connection, she is very down to earth always up for a laugh and even at 43 with lung cancer she always smiles

''Oh my god'' I sat down and my eyes welled up. ''Anyway you can make it'' she asked.

''Yeah of course, I will get the next flight out, I going to go pack for a few days for myself and Harvey and I will ring you when I land ok''.

''Ok sweetie have a safe flight''.

''I will don't worry''.

''I love you Ronnie'' I smiled. ''I love you too mom'' I said and we exchanged goodbye and hung up.

''What's wrong'' Justin asked. ''My aunt Helen isn't getting any better, her kidney has failed and everyone has been called'' I said Justin and Laura exchanged glances.

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