Chapter 1

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A year it's been since I was last in Atlanta. I graduated from high school 2 weeks ago, I went to school in Brooklyn and it was rather nice, yes there were people hanging out of me because my dad being Justin Bieber, but I just pushed it aside and I got on with my senior year. I missed Donna because we would have so much fun, but I made a few friends over the year but nothing like my best friend who I still talk to everyday.

Living with Mandy has been amazing, it felt like I was never an orphan it was just so nice and relaxing living with her, because she doesn't get the pap's in her drive way or going to the mall so I loved the year being a normal kid hanging out with my siblings. Alex is big now, he is 1 and 5 months and he is a little devil Shannon and Sasha love having me around because we do all the sisters days out I do their hair they do mine. And Chesney and Dale well they are like Jake Evan and Carson annoy you one minute the next playing video games with me.

''Ok have a safe flight home sweetie and ring me when you land'' Mandy said I nodded hugging her tight, we have become extremely close over the year, we done everything together she is like a fun big sister rather than my mom, but she is strict when she wants to be.

''I will Mandy, take care of yourself'' I kissed her cheek and I hugged my siblings and my step dad and I waved goodbye before I boarded the plane.

''Excuse me can I get a water please'' I asked the lady smile and nodded and I sat down buckling up my seat belt and she came back with it and I thanked her.

My flight wasn't too bad about 4-5 hours I think, I feel asleep for a few hours so I don't quite know. I got off the plane and I went in and waited at the luggage pit for my suitcase then my phone rang my tone for my dad blaring out making people beside me laugh.

''Hello'' I sang

''Where are you'' Justin asked

''Just grabbing my suitcase I be out in arrivals in 2 minutes'' I said and I hung up pulling my 2 suitcases off the belt and I put my phone in my jeans pocket and I grabbed the handles and I walked to the arrivals and I looked around and I spotted Justin, he looked around I whistle and he looked back catching my eye I smiled and he beamed and walked towards me and I ran over and hugged him and he picked me up and twirled me around

''I missed you dad'' I mumbled

''I missed you too baby, god you are so grown you I barely even recognize you'' he said I smiled and he took my suitcases and we walked out front where he car was parked and got in.

''God Ronnie you don't look the same '' he said inspecting me I laugh. Yeah I have changed I am not a 17 year old kid no more, I am a 18 year old women and I look more like a grown girl with bigger boobs, they have grown a lot to a 34C. I am much tanner because of the sun beds, I have my own real long chocolate brown hair, my ocean blue eyes stand out more, I am much thinner but not skinny more curves and slim, and my hips expand so I have a nice round bottom.

''Yeah you could say that '' I smiled and he and he pulled out

''Missing the city '' he asked I smiled

''Yeah I do but it's good to be home I missed this place and the sun, dough the heat did pick up this week when I was going home so'' he chuckled

''So dad how is everything at work'' I asked him he nodded

''Yeah it's going good, I just finished touring American a few weeks ago''

''You would think now that you are older you would lose fans but you seem to get more and more each day'' I said he nodded

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