Chapter 27

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When I opened my eyes, they couldn't adjust to the darkness.

I searched frantically with my eyes, trying to figure out where I was.

Suddenly, a dark figure stepped I'm front of me and cleared its throat.

"Dr-Dr-Drew?" I choked out, barely making out his face.

"That's right princess." he said as he sat down next to me.

I struggled to get up from the position I was laying in.

That's when I realized that I was strapped down to a bed.

"Wh-Where are we? Why am I here?" I cried out as I struggled to break free with a failed attempt.

He began to stroke my legs with his index finger.

I whimpered in fear.

"You're pregnant." he stated, as he clenched his jaw.

I was at a loss for words.

"Drew I'm so sorry. I was going to tell you." I cried out as he squeezed my thigh tighter and tighter.

"Its too late for that Darling." he stated as he got up from the bed.

I was so worried. That last thing I remember is running out of the school and away from Austin.

Away from everyone.

"Where am I?" I choked out.

"Where you should be in the first place. With me." he stated as he stared down at me.

Then it hit me. This baby was Drew's . I never told him. Everyone thinks its Austin's.
What is he going to do to me?

I wondered as I once again attempted to break free.

"Drew, wait. The baby is-"

I never even got a chance to finish my sentence.

Drew's fist came down on my stomach in an instant.

"I told you I would finish this." was the last thing I heard before I started to cry.


My baby.

The baby was the only thing I could think about while Drew was hitting me.

"Dr-Drew!" I cried out as he lifted my dress as landed another punch on me.

He never replied. Soon, my stomach started to throb. I've never prayed more in my life.

I was praying for the pain to stop, for the baby to survive all of this.

It was then that he slapped me in the face.

"I can't believe you made a baby with him Kaleigh." he said, sounding disgusted.

"Drew-" I started.

"Save it. Slut." he said.

The beating lasted for about 5 hours.

By the time he was finished, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

The pain was excruciating.

I've never felt so bad in my entire life.

I was broken out of my thoughts as

Drew picked me up from the bed and threw me over his shoulders.

All I could think about was this baby.

When he put me into a car, he threw me into the back seat and started to drive.

Then I blacked out.


"Kaleigh. Wake up." I heard Drew say as he stood over me.

I struggled to open my eyes.

"Get your ass up and get out of my car." he said coldly as he pulled me by the leg.

It was in that moment that he dragged me out of the car and my head hit the hard concrete.

He jumped into his car and sped away.

I had no idea where I was.

I tried calling out for someone. Anyone.

But no sound came out.

Then I felt a hot liquid falling from under my dress and down my legs.

At first, I thought I had wet myself.

But by the time I realized what it was it was already too late. Falling in a huge clump down my legs was a red substance.

It was blood.

And that could only mean one thing.

Drew had killed that baby.

Kaleigh & The Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora