Chapter 19

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We stood there, kissing for about 5 minutes. Our mouths and our tongues moved in harmony as he pressed his body against mines.

That's when it hit me. I felt no sparks. I didn't want Mason. I wanted Austin.

I pulled back.

"Mason, stop."

He looked hurt. No. He looked more than hurt. He looked furious.

He pushed me back against the door. Hard. I fell to the side with an omph.

This was the side with my broken ribcage. The side that Drew had broken.

"I see why Austin had second thoughts about you. You just play with people's feelings." he said rudely, and coldly, as he stalked away.

"Mason!" I exclaimed as I knew I had started to cry.

He pulled away without another word and sped down the long, empty driveway.

I buried my face into the ground and cried.

After about 30 minutes, I struggled to get up.

I held my side in pain as I limped up my golden staircase and into my room.

My parents weren't gonna be home until late, so I knew that the house was gonna be completely empty.

My ribs started to throb, and I winced in pain.

I made my way into my bathroom and took my medicine.

I had no idea what to do.

Austin had disappeared.

Haven was getting beat.

Mason was mad at me.

I feel like I had nowhere to turn.

I took out my phone and decided on calling Heather.

After three rings, she picked up.

"Kaleigh!" she exclaimed into the phone.

"Heather, he's here." I said, my voice cracking and shaking.

"He's there?" she asked, utterly shocked.

"Yes, he's here, and he's abusing my best friend." I cried out.

"Best friend? I thought I was your best friend." she stated blankly and rudely.

Was she really doing this now?

"Heather, you know what i-"

"Forget it Kaleigh. You can figure out your own problems. Or either your new best friend can help you out with it." said Heather coldly.

With that, she hung up the phone.

I stared at the phone in my hand in shock.

What do I do now?

I woke up to the sound of a woman's voice. "She's waking up now." said the voice as I opened my eyes slowly, recognizing the woman as my doctor.

Wait, my doctor? What was she doing here?

I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up.

"Woah, Kaleigh. Just relax." she said and I stopped struggling.

"Where's my mom? Why am I so sore again?Why are you here?" The questions fled out all at once, and she knew I was confused.

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