Chapter 12

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The next morning, I awoke to Austin. Literally.

As soon as my eyes opened, they landed on his face. His sexy, perfect face.

It was only then that I realized we were in the same bed.

"Austin! Wake up!" I screamed.

"Kaleigh, what is it?" he groaned, slowly opening his eyes.

"We didn't -"

"Relax Blondie, we didn't do anything. Yet." he smirked sitting up in the bed."I didn't feel like going back to my room, so I just slept in here, with you." he said as he gestured towards me.

I Rolled over in the bed to check my phone.

I had one missed call from Haven. I  decided that I would call her back later.

I looked at the time to see that it was only 9:14 am.

"My mom said that I had to be home before dinner. So, what are we gonna do till then?" I ask slowly , afraid that he might think I meant something else.

"Doesn't matter Blondie." He said tiredly. "But for now, I want to go back to sleep." he said. And with that, he pulled me into his arms and onto his chest.


When we finally woke back up, it was after 11. I was uncontrollably hungry.

"Austin, get up. I'm hungry." I complained.

"Fine." he said, groaning and turning over.

We got out of the bed, and it was only then that I realized I still had only a t-shirt on-and it had risen up.

"Let's not do this again Kaleigh." Austin said, as he eyed me down and smirked at me.

"Shut up Austin! Get me my dress. Now." I growled.

"Sheesh, someone's grouchy in the morning." said Austin as he made his way out of the room.

He came back with my dress in his hands, and tossed it at me.

"Sheesh, way to be gentle." I said , mocking him.

"I'll cook something for us." he stated."What?My mom taught me a few things." he said, as he noticed my confused facial expression.

I stared at him a second before I agreed."Sure."

While Austin went downstairs to cook, I decided to change back into my dress and give Haven a call.

The phone rang a few times before she finally answered.

"Kaleigh!Oh my gosh!Ive tried calling you! Where are you?Why didn't you answer??" she rushed out almost all at once.

I had to pull the phone away from my ear as she talked.

"Woah , Haven slow down. I'm sorry, I was asleep. And I'm at Austin's house." I replied.

"Austins house?Well, wait , explain it to me later." she said. "I have big news! I'm dating this new guy, he's so cute! He's nice and sweet, and he really cares about me.We've been dating for about three days, you would have known if you would have bothered to call me.But don't worry, I'm too excited to be mad at you!" she exclaimed.

"Oh. My. God. Haven, you've gotta let me meet the guy lucky enough to be going out with my beautiful best friend." I said as I smiled.

"I'll send you a picture of him, ok Kay? I've gotta go. Talk to you later?"

"Sure." I said, and with that, I hung up the phone.

As I made my way downstairs, I had to admit. Something smelled delicious. When I entered the kitchen, there sat Austin with two plates of omlets.

"Wow bad-boy. I didn't know you could cook." I said as I sat down at the table. "This looks delicious."

He smiled at me.

After we ate, I was busy cleaning our plates.

"That was awesome Austin." I said.

"Thanks." he said as he walked up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

He turned me around and looked me straight into the eyes.


Austin started, but was interrupted by my phone buzzing.

"Sorry Austin." I mumbled as I pulled out my phone.

When I unlocked the screen, I noticed that it was a picture message from Haven.

'Subject - This is him Kay!'

I smiled as I opened up the picture.

But, my smile soon dropped when I saw who it was.

"Its Drew." I said, just above a whisper.

"What Kaleigh? What's Drew?" Austin asked as he took my phone away from me.

"Its Drew, Austin. Haven's dating Drew." I said, ready to cry.

The weird thing is, that even with everything that was happening, I couldn't help but wonder what Austin was about to say.

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