Chapter 5

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"Andrews! Straighten up those knees on that back Tuck!"

Avery yelled at me while we were practicing our pyramid, which I was on top of.

"Avery, stop trying to find things wrong with Kaleighs performance!Kaleigh, you're perfect." Kaci stated as I made my way down to the floor.

"Thanks, I used to cheer back home."

"It shows, keep up the good work." Kaci smiled at me as she walked away.

"Ugh, Barf!" , Avery scoffed as she made her way over to me.

"What's your problem? Scared I'm going to outshine you?" , I asked as Avery stepped in front of me.

"Pfff. Please." , she rolled her eyes then narrowed them at me.

"You think you're so perfect. Austin's just going to use you just like he uses everyone else. Just like he uses me." she stated.

"Yea well, I'm not you.I know how to be in a relationship, not hop from guy to guy every day."

"You'll see Andrews. You're no different from anyone else. You've been here what?A week?What makes you think you can change Austin Hampshire?"

With that, she walked away flipping her hair behind her as she turned.

She's got a point there. What made me think that I could change him? Woah, Kay, you're not really dating. You're just pretending. And you're absolutely NOT going to fall for him. Because you're Kaleigh Andrews, & He's Austin Hampshire. You two can't possibly fall for each other.You're polar opposites.

You'll win this bet for sure.


'You're all that matters to me' blasted through my car as I searched for my phone. When I saw the name that flashed across the screen I instantly smiled.

"Hey babe." I said through the phone.What?If Im going to make him fall for me, I've got to make this as real as possible.

"Hey hottie." said Austin through the phone.

"What's up?"

"We're hanging out today. Get home and throw on some clothes."

"What makes you think you can just boss me around bad-boy?" , I asked him, slightly amused.

"Bad boy?" , Austin laughed. "That's cute. But seriously, hurry home baby. I have something I wanna show you." said Austin , and I'll bet anything he was smirking.

"Ugh" I groaned. "Fine.But if you even think abo- ..."

"No worries sweetheart. We'll get to that part last." laughed Austin.

And with that, I hung up the phone smiling the entire way home.

As I was in the process of putting my heels on, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hi Mrs.Andrews, Is Kaleigh home? She told me to meet her here." I heard a voice say.

"Sure honey, she's just upstairs. You can go up if you want."


When I heard footsteps on the staircase, I did a quick check in my mirror to make sure I looked okay.

"Woah, gorgeous." I heard Austin say as he stepped into my room, closing the door behind him.

"You didn't have to close the door you know." I stated, as obvious as possible.

"I know.But I wanted to." said a smirking Austin as he made his way over to me. "By the way, nice room. Nice bed. Looks comfor-..."

"Stop right there Hampshire. I said NO funny business." I said as serious as a heart attack.

"Aw, Cmon babe, you know you want me. Everyone does." said Austin.

"Well I don't." I said sounding less confident than I meant to sound.

"You sure?" Austin whispered as he had backed me up into a corner against my back wall. Our bodies brushed up against each others as he looked from my eyes to my lips.

"Y-y-eah." I whispered staring at his lips.

It was only then, that they touched. His lips were so warm and inviting that they sent shivers through my spine. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, gripping my thighs. I slid my hands through his dark hair pulling him closer, craving more.

When he pulled away,it would be an understatement to say that I was disappointed.

"Looks like we see who's winning this bet." said Austin smirking down at me.

I tried to cover up the hurt as quickly as possible.

"As if." , I scoffed. "I was only playing along with you.You're the one losing."

Even I didn't believe that.

"Yeah, Blondie I'll just about say I've got you wrapped around my finger."

"Let's just go Austin." I say as I grab my purse, phone, and keys.

Once we were in the car and driving down the road, my phone vibrated.

I didn't even have to look at it to know who it was.

'I gave u a warning. Now its personal. U haven't ben replying 2 any of my msgs. You're making a big mistake bitch. Big mistake.'

Shivers went down my spine at the look of the last two words.

"Blondie? You Okay?You look kind of pale." said Austin.

"Y-y-y-eah I'm f-f-ine." I said, clearly NOT okay.

"Um, okay good." Austin said clearly unconvinced.

"Because we're here."

I looked up to see a small building in front of us. It looked like a small club. Once out of the car, I followed Austin into the building.

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