Chapter 23

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The next morning was Wednesday. That means I has exactly two days until the Halloween Ball.

I sat up in my bed and stretched, as I grabbed my boot and headed to the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into my mirror.

I looked terrible.

As I was just about to turn around and walk out of the bathroom, I immediately rushed back to the toilet.

I puked my guts out.

I was so terribly hungry and tired.

Suddenly, Havens thought rushed back to my head.

I thought to myself.

I was not ready for a baby.

Im only 17.

I was still in high school.

I needed to go to college.

I quickly rushed the thoughts out of my head when I remembered that I wasn't even sure about this whole thing yet.
Why didnt we use protection??

I asked myself.

I was so confused. If I was pregnant my parents would be so disappointed in me.

What would Austin say?

What would Drew do?


After a quick talk with Haven and a trip to the drug store, we were in my room standing beside my bathroom door.

"Just check it already Kaleigh!" said an impatient Haven, as she looked over my shoulder.

"I can't do it. Read it to me please." I told her as I flipped the test over in my hands.

She took it from me and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Its says....positive." she said as she looked up at me slowly.

I was speechless. What was I going to tell Austin? What if he left?

I had so many thoughts going on in my head that I hadn't even realized that I was crying and Haven was hugging me.

"Kaleigh. It'll be OK. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe this happened for a reason." she told me as she pulled back and looked me into my eyes.

"But what is Drew gonna do?" I asked just above a whisper as I stared at her.

For a moment she went silent at the sound of his name.

"Haven, is Drew still abusing you?" I asked her.

She looked down.

"Not as much, he just yells at me." she said and I saw her eyes tear up.

"Back to you." she said as she lightened up the mood.

"How are you gonna tell Austin?" she asked as I sat down on my bed.

"I don't know, but it needs to be soon." I told her.

"Look, I have to get home. Drew's coming over." said Haven as she made her way to my bedroom door.

"Call me later?"


After she left, I knew I had to tell Austin.

I decided to give him a call.


"Hey beautiful." he said cheerfully through the phone.

"Austin , can we talk?"

"Sure what's up?" he said.

"No, can you come over this is something I need to tell you face to face."

"Of course Kaleigh , be there in 5 minutes." he told me, then he hung up the phone.

I paced around my room and tried to think of ways to tell him the big news.

A few moments later, I heard the doorbell rang.

"Austin I'm up here!" I yelled out as I heard his footsteps throughout my house.

He entered my room and made his way over to me.

I suddenly turned pale.

"Kaleigh?" he said as he placed both hands on either of my cheeks.

I was at a loss for words.

"Kaleigh? What did you wanna talk about?" he asked as he looked me deep into my eyes.

I suddenly looked down.

He lifted my face back up.


"Austin." I started , avoiding his eyes.

"Kaleigh? What is it?You can tell me anything." he told me sincerely.

"I'm pregnant." I said as low as a mouse.

"Huh?" he asked , he obviously didn't hear me.

I took a deep breath and looked him directly in his eyes. I had found a new confidence and suddenly worked up the courage to be straight with him.

"I'm Pregnant."  I told him and stared intently at him.

He stared at me for a moment that felt as if it were ages.

Then he spoke.

"Kaleigh." he spoke up as he took his hands away from my face.

My eyes teared up in fear of what he might say.

"Im so sorry Aust-"

"I love you." he said.

"Huh?" I was so confused.
Wasn't he supposed to leave now?

"I love you Kaleigh. And that's our baby in there." he smiled at me as he put his hand on my stomach.

I was so confused.

I thought that he would hate me. That he would tell me that he wasn't ready for a kid.

But he's....happy.

I looked up at his eyes.

"I love you too Austin." I told him.

He pulled me into a huge hug.

And stayed like that for the rest of the afternoon.

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