Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to a ringing noise.'You're all that matters to me' blasted through my ears and I immediately recognized it as my ringtone. When I picked it up UNKNOWN  flashed across the screen. I usually don't answer unknown phone calls but, I was feeling particularly happy today.

As soon as I picked up, I immediately recognized the voice on the other end.

"Morning Blondie."

"Austin?" , I asked clearly confused.

"Get up, I'm taking you to school this morning." , he stated more as a demand than a question.

"Says who?"

"Cmon Kaleigh we live on the same street. We can save gas by carpooling." , Austin said and I can almost hear the smirk in his tone.

I sighed. "Fine, but no funny business."

"Good answer.Now get up and get ready."


As I made my way outside, I noticed one thing. Austin standing by his car looking as hot as ever.

With a leather jacket on, he was texting someone on his phone with a serious facial expression.When he saw me, his eyes lit up. "Looking good Blondie." , he smirked leaving me blushing. I was dressed in dark shorts (which by the way, showed off my curves nicely) , A light pink halter top, with my pink stilletos. Yeah, I have a thing for pink. To top it all off, I wore my shiny white MK purse. I did look pretty good, but hearing it from Austin made my day.Woah, what?Think Kay, think. You DO NOT Like Austin Hampshire. You barely even know him. "Hello, Kaleigh?" , Austin was saying looking sort of concerned. "Sorry, what?"

"I was saying, we should get going so Miss A Honor Roll won't be late for 1st period."

"Very funny. But yeah, we should go." , I stated as I made my way to his black Ferrari.

Once we were inside, I caught Austin staring at me. "What?", I asked him.

"Nothing." he said quickly and started the car. Once we were halfway to the school my phone went off. Once I recognized the number, which was long-distance, I froze in my seat. Austin must have noticed because he asked , "Blondie? What's wrong?"

"Um, its just an old boyfriend of mines. We didn't really end on good terms back in Miami." , I said nervously.

Before I had a chance to respond, Austin had grabbed my phone from my hand.

"Austin, Do-....."

But it was too late.

"Hello?Hey man I need you to stop calling my girlfriend. I don't want to have to come to Miami and beat your ass."

And with that, he hung up.

"Austin!" , I screamed. "Why did you do that!"

"You said he was an old boyfriend. You didn't end on good terms. So there has to be a reason you broke it off with him right?"

I was silent. He did have a point.

Overall I was nervous. Drew never took well to threats. Unless he was threatening me. Which by the way, his threats always became reality.

After pulling into the parking lot of the school, I realized that a swarm of girls had crowded around Austin's Car. Avery included.

As soon as we exited, all eyes were on me. I heard whispers all around us. "What's she doing with Austin?" "Oh my god, did she sleep with him?" "What a slut."

Okay, that did it.

"If anyone would like to know, Austin & I are dating now. He's mines. So back off, especially you Avery. He's taken."

I heard gasps all around me.

And with that, I went around the car, intertwined Austin and I's fingers, and led our way through the huge crowd. Once inside the school building, Austin pulled me into an empty hallway.

"What was that about?" Austin asked curious.

"I honestly don't know Austin. I'm sorry for putting you in that position." I said looking down ashamed.

"Its okay, it was actually kind of cute that you were jealous." Austin said looking at me.

"Jealous?I was soooo not jealous." I scoffed, but even I didn't believe me.

"How about me make a little bet?" said Austin , clearly amused.

"About what?" I responded , narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Let's date." he stated blankly.

"What?Date???" I asked shocked that he would even propose something like this.

"Not seriously, Blondie.Let's act like we date for a whole month. Whoever falls for the other one first, wins."

"And how will we know who wins?"

"Trust me, we'll know." said Austin, excitement in his eyes.

"You're on. You are totally gonna fall for me Austin. There's no way I'm losing this bet." I stated confidently.

Austin laughed. "We'll see Blondie.After all, I said you would be mines and now you're mines."


During study hall with Haven I received a text.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I ever so slowly looked at the number. It was Drew.

I gulped nervously, and Haven heard.

"Kay, what's wrong?" Haven asked , concern apparent in her voice.

"Um, i-i-ts nothing Haven, i-i-i have to go." I said nervously, getting up from the table. My breath caught in my throat as I read the message.

'U hav a boyfriend???U no how I feel abt u tlking 2 othr guys and u do this???? Kaleigh, u will deeply regret this. n thts a threat and a promise.'

I almost forgot how to breathe. I didn't even realize that Haven had caught up to me in the hallway.

"Kaleigh, are you okay?????" , she asked.

" I-I-I.... Yea, I'm fine."

"Well....Okay." She stated clearly unconvinced.

"Kay, you know if you need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Haven." We hugged for about a minute before she pulled away.

"So, I heard you and Austin are going out. When were you gonna tell me?" Haven practically yelled as we walked down the empty corridor. " How did you know that?" I asked curiously.

"Everyone is talking about it.Its all over the school." Haven stated as if it were nothing.

"Wow. Well yea, we're sort of dating now." I said, and immediately blushed.

Just then the bell rang, signaling fourth period. "Well see ya later Kay, I've got to get to class." & with that, she rushed down the hallway.

"Hey babe." I turned around only to see Austin behind me.

"Hey Austin." I said a little perkier than usual.

He put his arm around me, and we continued down the hallway to my locker. Once we were there I caught Avery and her friends whispering and looking over at us. So I decided to give them a show.

"Come here hottie." I told Austin seductively and pulled him against me on the lockers. When our lips met, I felt the spark. Our lips moved in synch and I opened my mouth to allow him entrance. Our tongues moved together in perfect harmony as Austin let a low moan escape his lips.I played roughly in his hair as our lips moved together.When we finally pulled apart, Austin let his forehead rest against mines. "Let the games begin." , he said as he smirked. And for that moment, I forgot all about Drew and his threat. Heck, I forgot all about everything. Except Austin Hampshire.

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