Chapter 7

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Justin Beiber rang out through my room as my phone rang.

"Heather! Oh my god, I feel like we haven't talked in forever!" I exclaimed through the phone.

"Kay Babe! I've missed you soooo much. Its so boring down here without you! The team misses you alot." said my very best friend as she responded to my over excitedness.

"You're still coming to visit for spring break right?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course Kay, wouldn't miss it for the world." said Heather.

"Listen I'll talk to you later, Holden's calling. But I'll keep in touch okay? Love you Kay." said Heather as she hung up the phone.

I smiled to myself. I can't believe they're still together.

I was broken away from my thoughts when there was a knock on my window, which has to be impossible considering that my room was on the second floor.

"Hey Blondie." said a voice and I immediately knew who it belonged to.

"Austin! How in the world did you get up here?" I exclaimed as I opened up my door.

"I have my ways." he smirked.

As he made his way inside,I had to look at him. He looked hot .

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to do something today. Its Saturday and its a nice day outside." he said.While he was talking I notices two scars under his left eye.

"Austin what happened to your eye?It looks painful." I said as I grabbed his hand and led him into my bathroom."Sit right here." I instructed as I got out my first aid kit.

"Listen Blondie, I'm a man. I don't need some chick taking care of me. I can take care of myself." he scoffed. "Besides, I'm fine."

"Austin sit still. This will only sting a little." I said as I put the wet towel to his eye. He winced.

"Looks like the bad boy isn't so bad after all." I laughed.

His cheeks went red with embarrasment. It went away quickly. I sat down beside him.

"Listen Austin, I don't think its such a good idea for you to be fighting in the streets. Its dangerous."

"Yeah well, I don't need your opinion.Its what I do." he said coldy. I have to admit that stung a little. But he quickly lit up the mood.

"There's this party tonight at Avery's. I was wondering if you wanted to go. I could, you know, take you." he said as he looked up into my eyes. I winced at the sound of Avery's name.

"Thanks but no thanks." I replied blankly." What's the deal with you and her anyways?" I asked." She acts as if she's your bodyguard or something."

"There is no 'me and her'. She's just someone who I call when I want to hook up, that's all." he said as if it were nothing.

I twisted my nose up."That's disgusting." I scoffed.

"Aw, Cmon babe. It could be fun. Besides, I know you and Avery aren't the best of friends and its a party. She has a huge house. You don't have to be around her." he said. He did have a good point.

Why did he always have to be right?


A few hours later, I was in a car on the way to Avery's house. I was dressed in a black fitted dress which hugged my curves tightly, and dark black pumps.

Austin sat in the drivers seat dressed in a simple black shirt and dark jeans.

God, even in that he somehow managed to make my skin tingle.

As we arrived at the house, I noticed that the front door was wide open. Drunk teens were coming in and out stumbling and laughing. We made our way to the front door with Austin leading the way. I couldn't even hear myself think once we were on the inside. There was extremely loud music playing, teenagers were drinking, smoking, and grinding on each

other. Then there was something else. I noticed a brown haired guy with green eyes with a beer in his hands. Is that.....

Yes. Yes it is.

It was Drew.

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