Careful What You Wish 4

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At School

It's been a few days since Mr.Bieber and I've discussed this "daddy" situation. But ever since then he's been acting very strange lately.

Something just doesn't feel right I've had this weird feeling since this morning like someone is watching me.

Upon arrival I go into Starbucks and order a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino before heading off towards the school.

I enter my AP class and there he was, "Good Morning Kayla how are you?"

"Good Morning Mr. Bieber I'm fine and you!"

"I'm satisfied knowing you're here,  you've got a Vanilla Frappuccino if you wanted something white and velvety I could've brought you a small case you wanted to sample my flavor."

"All you had to do was call me you can slurp on me as long as you want too."

"You want to play daddy huh, I'm not here to play mind games. Except brain freeze."

"Princess don't say things like that, you're going to get in trouble!"

"You started it! Don't start something you can't finish. Haha cheeky little shit, I bet! Maybe I want to get in trouble Daddy I deserve to get spanked."

As students begin to arrive I calmly go to my seat.

At Home

"Hola mami como estas?"

"Hola chica me gustaría ser sentirse mejor si tu limpiar."

You don't wash the dishes
You don't clean
Don't help with anything
Always on your cellphone
You wake up late
Always hungry

"I'm a growing child what do you expect mami?"

"Haha Mi amour puedo seguro te digo que eres no faltar comidas"

"Mami I'm not fat!"

"I didn't say that! You're eating great like no other, you never turn down food." I'm just saying Mi Amour you're missing no meals especially with that growing bottom of yours.

"Oh, Mami, please don't say that in front of company." I laughed at my mom, I'll enjoy these precious moments forever. I'm not like the normal teenager huffing and puffing with raging emotions screaming "I hate you mom". She's all I have and I'll always have love and respect for her always.

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