Chapter 31: It Wont Stop

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Ryan POV

"Here babe, hit this." Chris sat upright, passing me the blunt. I rested on my stomach, but sat up on my elbows and took a slow puff. The weed was strong but subtle.

"Man. I haven't had anything like this in a minute." I admired the blunt and looked up at the ceiling.

"Cause you be puffing garbage." Chris laughed and bit his lip, leaning back against the headboard. I scanned his tattoos across his chest then shook my head.

"Whatever." I gave it back to him, and lifted my naked body out the bed and grabbed my robe to throw on.

"The hell you putting that on for? We going a forth round once we finish this blunt." he complained.

"I'm taking a shower. You can finish that blunt on your own." I said, walking toward my bathroom.

"What about the forth round?" he asked.

"There's lotion on the dresser. You got a hand. Get busy." I winked and shut the door to the bathroom.

I started to run the water and threw my hair up in a bun. I got in and let the shower water run down my hair and face. I kept my eyes closed, just thinking.

Chris and I been fucking with each other exclusively for like three weeks now. Our song, It Won't Stop, is climbing the charts and the money is rolling in. The paparazzi has pictures together again, so people are assuming Chris and I are dating, which we kind of are.

Anyways, Chris is going on tour in November, which is like two weeks away. She'll be gone for 2 and a half months and I have a feeling he's gonna be fucking around when I'm not there. Still, I'm enjoying his company now.

We had a photo shoot for Black Pyramid later today that Chris wanted me to be in and I needed to hurry and shower so we could leave in the next two hours.

My thoughts were interrupted when i felt something hard poke me in my lower back. Of course, it was Chris's naked yellow ass.

"If you don't let me take a shower in peace." I laughed. Chris didn't say anything. He just kissed my neck and made his way down on me. I really wanted to shower but I just couldn't resist him. I couldn't get enough of him.

"We're gonna be late." I said under my breath.

"So?" He continued down, sucking my nipples then, making his way in between my legs.

I let out a loud gasp once he lifted my body up between his shoulders and carefully stepped out the shower to finish eating me on the floor near the bed.

"C-Chris." I moaned softly. He stopped to reach my lips but just before we could do anything, there was a loud bang on the door. It scared the shit out of both of us and we jumped.

I rolled my eyes and threw on my robe again. I looked through the peep hole and frustratingly opened the door.

"Esmeralda, what the hell?" she shoved past me.

"Red is a bitch!" she stormed across the room.

"What happened?" I asked, preparing myself for this story she was gonna tell me.

Red and Esmeralda have been fucking with each other for only two weeks and every other day, Esmeralda is complaining about something else he's doing.

"Ryan I swear I'm so done fucking with him. This nigga had the nerve to-" Esmeralda started.

"Esmeralda forreal?! You always cockblocking." Chris said from behind me. This is the third time Esmeralda has interrupted one of our rounds.

"Y'all can stop swallowing each other's cum for one second to listen to me, damn!" she shot back. I snickered under my breath.

"You always talking shit about Red. He prolly ain't even do anything." he said, standing behind me. He had on nothing but his basketball shorts.

"Your friend the one that can't keep his dick in his pants!" she shot back.

"I ain't tell you to fuck him. You did that shit." Chris smirked. I elbowed him in the rib, signaling him to stop.

Esmeralda just stood there pouting. He was right, though. I didn't want her to start fucking with Red cause I know how he is, but that's not an excuse for him to keeping fucking Esmeralda over.

"Fuck him." I reassured her. "You know how many niggas in LA will treat you right?"

"Yeah but clearly I keep attracting all the fuck boys." she rolled her eyes, walking over to the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

Just then, another knock on my door. I rolled my eyes, loosening myself from Chris's grip to answer the door. I looked through the peephole and quickly tried to lock the door. Before I could even reach for the lock, the door swung open and Red stood there searching behind me.

"Hey Ry. Where your nigga at?" he asked.

"Not here." I lied, trying to shut the door.

Chris!" Red called him, ignoring my comment.

Chris slowly made his appearance through the door way. Red quickly slipped past me to talk to Chris.

"Man, I cannot believe this girl Esmeralda. Dawg, she stay tripping!" Red complained to Chris. Chris awkwardly looked at me and I gave him a wincing look. We both knew what was about to happen.

"Oh I'M tripping?!" Esmeralda made her appearance known, maneuvering herself around the kitchen to face Red.

Red turned around, unexpectedly surprised by Esmeralda's appearance. He gave her the dumbest look, but quickly scrunched up his face, getting ready to cuss her out.

"Yes you fucking are!" he yelled.

"Red you keep fucking other bitches, but I'm wrong to be tripping over that?! It just won't stop with you!" she folded her arms.

"I ain't fucking nobody else. You just insecure as fuck!" Red said, getting closer to her. Chris quickly pulled onto his arm, pulling him back from her.

"Fuck you!" she stormed away, heading toward the door. "I'll see you later Ry." she said under her breath before slamming the door behind her.

"Fuck, Red!" I complained.

"It's like a goddamn episode of Jerry Springer in this motherfucker." Chris complained with me.

"Dammit I'm sorry y'all. I ain't know she was here." Red sighed, sliding onto the floor.

"It's coo-" Chris began but I cut him off.

"No it's not cool!" I snapped. They both looked at me shocked.

"Red," I sighed. "You can't keep fucking over Esmeralda. We all run in the same circle now. I'm the one that has to hear her mouth, not you."

Red scoffed and looked at Chris for confirmation.

"She right, man." Chris said.

"But that's the thing, y'all. I haven't been fucking other people. Just texting them." Red complained. "And even if I was, we ain't a couple. I can do what I want and she can do what she wants."

"Still, this ain't healthy. Y'all got more drama than me and Ry." Chris said, even though we really didn't have drama at all.

"That ain't even true." Red insisted. "Me and E don't got history like y'all."

"Which is exactly why y'all fucking with each other is unhealthy. Within two weeks, y'all managed to create more arguments than me and Chris have over these past 8 months." I argued.

Red thought and sighed. "Aight," he stood up. "Lemme get this girl back."

"No!" Chris and I said in sinc.

"Just let her relax for a minute. Then y'all have a conversation about what y'all gone do." Chris said.

Red paused, but eventually nodded. "I'll holla at y'all." he said, opening the front door and walking out. I closed the door behind him and sighed.

"I need the rest of that blunt." I told Chris.

He smiled and pulled out his lighter. I turned on "It Won't Stop" on the speaker and headed over to the balcony for us to smoke out this drama between our friends.

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