"Oh and Lust, be careful of the snatchers." And then he turned back round. He had barely took another step when Lust called out. "WAIT! What are snatchers?"

Nightmare grinned at us. "Oh not much. Just little worm like creatures that burrow up from the ground and wrap themselves around you. The more you struggle the worse it gets. Then they drag you down underground to eat you. Dead or alive."

He continued to walk.

"Oh one more thing, their attracted to things that don't move, easy prey you know what I mean."

That instantly caused a reaction and we all looked down at the ground beneath us.

Lust let out a squeak and practically jumped on top of Horror. I looked down at the ash by my feet looking for any signs of movement that could be the snatchers that Nightmare had described.

I ran over to him, wanting to stay by his side. "S-so um, if we keep moving, then the snatchers won't get us?" I asked nervously.

Nightmare let out a dramatic sigh and turned to look at me. "I was joking idiot. How else was I gonna get them to move?"

I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. "Oh." Was all I said.

I mentally slapped myself. I should have released that he was joking. I was annoyed at myself for being so stupid.

"People are so gullible these days." Nightmare sighed. I looked down at the floor. Ashamed of myself.

I felt him look over at me, I continued to look down at the ground, not wanting to meet his gaze. He sighed again.

"Cheer up. A moody attitude doesn't suit you. I fooled even Error. It's not like it was just you."

I didn't respond, continuing to walk, head down. Nightmare muttered something about people being so touchy these days and walked faster, pulling away from me.

I looked up and watched him go. "Well done." Chara said sarcastically. "Go away." I muttered. "I'm not in the mood for you right now."

"Well that's a shame." He said, floating next to me, his arms crossed behind his head, letting our unbreakable bond pull him gently along.

I sensed someone walking next to me and I glanced up to see Error. "What...?" I muttered.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Not really."

He nodded and hummed. I listened, looking down at the ash that was slowly building up on my trainers.

Errors slippers were trashed, completely ruined by the ash, I looked back to see the others were in the same situation.

Ash up their shoes and legs. It was the same for me, my once white bones were now a light grey, and they itched horribly.

We continued to walk for about half an hour when I heard Error say something.

"Hmm?" I hummed, not having not hearing what he had said.

Error glanced at me before pointing a finger forward. "Now I know he's gone crazy."

I looked at where he was pointing to see what must have once been a forest. Now it was just stumps and dead trees, charred black just like the rest of this place.

Nightmare walked in, without even checking if we were following. Error whistled. "Damn that looks creepy."

I nodded.

We waited for Horror and the others to catch up. "He's joking right?" Dust said, peering into the darkness of the forest.

"I don't think so..." I responded.

"Well then." Error said. "We don't want to fall behind do we?"

And with that we all walked forward in unison. Letting the darkness of the corrupted forest swallow us up.


I went to the Cinema twice yesterday. Saw one film then went straight to the next😂
The Greatest Showman
Loved them both so much! Bye 👋🏻

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